Title: Water and Sewerage Lease Contract – Example 2

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: March 1, 2008

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Water and Sanitation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Legal Framework *, Parties, Sector, Contract, Termination, Risk, Legal issues, Local contractors, Key drafting issues, Contract drafting


Water and Sewerage Lease Contract – Example 21.04 MB

Document Details:

This sample agreement of a water and lease includes the possibility of including in the contract alternative water provision means such as standpipes and water kiosks; and indicates that whenever possible, the Operator shall subcontract local standpipe and kiosk management to standpipe agents and to communities. (Provision 23).


Tracking Reference:


Updated: March 28, 2021