Water and Sewerage Lease Contract – Example 2

Publication Year
Publication Year

This sample agreement of a water and lease includes the possibility of including in the contract alternative water provision means such as standpipes and water kiosks; and indicates that whenever possible, the Operator shall subcontract local standpipe and kiosk management to standpipe agents and to communities. (Provision 23).


Tracking Reference:

Contracting out water and sanitation services - Vol. 1 and Vol. 2: Guidance notes for service and management contracts in developing countries

Publication Year


This document explains the lessons learned from contractual arrangements with third parties for service provision, and ways to deliver improved management service in the water sector mainly in low income countries. It provides examples and different ways that would enable a practitioner to understand local needs and carve existing and new solutions accordingly.

The document mentions some examples of protecting the interests of the poor, such as: