Title: Pontal - Public-Private Partnership Irrigation Project
Languages: English
Region: South Asia (SA)
Country: Brazil
Sectors: Water and Sanitation
Keywords: Contractual Provisions, PPP Project Cycle, Legal Framework *, Legal issues, Risk, Sample clauses, Sample wording, Negotiation phase, Key drafting issues, Irrigation
pontal_ppp_irrigation_project_sponsored_concession_agreement.pdf bytes
Document Summary:
Bidding documents for public-private partnership (PPP) irrigation project in the Pontal region of Brazil. The English versions of the documents are free translations from Portuguese and were published for informational purposes only.
Document Details:
This project seeks to establish a public-private partnership (PPP) for common use irrigation infrastructure in an area of 7,717 hectares of irrigable land for commercial agriculture. The project is located in Petrolina, a pole of irrigated fruit production and exportation, in the Pontal region of Brazil, State of Pernanbuco. The government would cede the land and the existing infrastructure, already covering a significant part of the target area.
The private partner would operate, manage and further develop the common infrastructure (70 % has been built by the government) to ensure (1) that the area is fully irrigated within six years of the date of signature of the contract; and (2) that at least 25% of the irrigated land is available for small farmers, who should be integrated into the production chain of the commercial producers that would occupy the remainder of the land. The private partner will be remunerated for the sale of water (through user tariffs) and a capacity payment by the government. The contract duration is 25 years.
For information and documents in Portuguese, visit Concessão Patrocinada do Projeto Publico de Irrigação Pontal.
Related information:
Water and Sanitation Public-Private Partnerships
Updated: October 25, 2021