Title: Technical Update 2010

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: United Kingdom

Topics: Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-corruption, Procurement

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Contract, Termination, Risk, Legal issues, Financing, Sample drafting, Sample wording, Sample drafting, Model contract, Key drafting issues


Document Details:

To strengthen the current regime for PPPs, and increase the confidence of both public and private sector participants in this market, HM Treasury and Infrastructure UK, in coordination with government colleagues, have been focusing on the following areas:

  • changing the way local authority PPPs are supported by central government;
  • increasing the transparency of our commitments;
  • reviewing our approach to project scrutiny and testing value for money;
  • and updating our guidance relating to financing.

This note sets out recent changes made and confirms the delivery framework that remains in place going forward

Tracking Number: TechnicalUpdate_2010_EN

Updated: October 25, 2021