Title: Puerto Cortés Container and Cargo Terminal (Terminal de Contenedores y Carga General de Puerto Cortés): Contrato de Fideicomiso ("Management Trust Agreement")

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Honduras

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Parties, Sector, Contract, Termination, Risk, Legal issues, PPP Unit *



Contrato de Fideicomiso ("Management Trust Agreement")7.89 MB

Document Details:


Honduras - Puerto Cortés Container and Cargo TerminalContrato de Fideicomiso para la Estructuración, Desarollo y Financiamiento de la Operación de la Terminal Especializada de Contenidores y Carga General de Puerto Cortés ("Management Trust Agreement" for the Structuring, Development and Financing of the Operation of the Puerto Cortés Container and Cargo Terminal) between the Comisión para la Promoción de Alianzas Públicas-Privadas (COALIANZA), Empresa Nacional Portuaria (National Port Company) and Banco Financiera Comercial Hondurena S.A. (FICOHSA BANK) (Spanish). 


The National Port Company undertakes to transfer certain assets and rights (real estate comprising the Specialized Container and Cargo Terminal etc.) to FICOHSA Bank, the bank in charge of structuring, and serving as trustee of the project. FICOHSA Bank will manage these assets and rights for the study, development and financing of the Puerto Cortés PPP Project. FICOHSA Bank is also responsible for hiring a consultant team for the technical, economic, financial, social, environmental and legal areas, who will work with COALIANZA for the structuring of the bidding documents for the international tender.


More specifically, FICOHSA Bank’s role is as follows:
• in a first phase, it will finance, as risk investment, the activities needed to carry out the studies for the drafting of the “structuring offer” for the Puerto Cortés PPP Project;
• in a second phase, it will ensure proper management of the assets and rights object of the Trust Agreement by the private operator (concessionaire).


Only after execution of the management trust agreement will COALIANZA be in the position to open the bid process for the selection and award of the concession agreement to a private operator for the project.


More information and legal documents on the project are available on the COALIANZA website.  


For more information on PPP port projects visit PPP in Port/Port Reform


Tracking Number: Honduras_ Management Trust Agreement Puerto Cortés_ES.pdf

Updated: August 25, 2020