Title: Contracting out water and sanitation services - Vol. 1 and Vol. 2: Guidance notes for service and management contracts in developing countries

Languages: English

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Legal Framework *, Parties, Sector, Contract, Termination, Risk, Legal issues, Local contractors, Key drafting issues, Contract drafting


Document Details:


This document explains the lessons learned from contractual arrangements with third parties for service provision, and ways to deliver improved management service in the water sector mainly in low income countries. It provides examples and different ways that would enable a practitioner to understand local needs and carve existing and new solutions accordingly.

The document mentions some examples of protecting the interests of the poor, such as:

  • Pay attention to the process: Refers to approaching the communities and understanding what they real needs and preferences are; however, it advises against inadequate consultations that do not take the have a proper data collection and would not help to provide a better service.
  • Establish robust regulatory structures that are pro-poor: It indicates that for example not granting exclusive rights of water provision in certain areas would allow to small operators to access poorly served areas, or allowing them to have different service provision options.

Contracting out water and sanitation services - Vol. 2: Case studies and analysis of service and management contracts in developing countries

Updated: November 24, 2022