Key References - PPP Cycle
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AU. 2015. National Public Private Partnership Guidelines - Volume 2: Practitioners' Guide. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. Detailed guidance material for implementing agencies on how to implement PPP projects under the national PPP policy, including project identification, appraisal, PPP structuring, the tender process, and contract management. Includes detailed guidance in annexes on technical subjects. CO. 2014. Manual de Procesos y Procedimientos para la Ejecución de Proyectos de Asociación Público-Privada. Bogotá: Gobierno de Colombia, Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público. A guide for civil servants from national, regional and local governments that sets out in detail the processes and requirements for identifying, assessing, preparing, tendering, and implementing PPP contracts. IN. Accessed March 15, 2017. "PPP Toolkit for Improving PPP Decision-Making Processes." Public-Private Partnerships in India. New Delhi: Government of India, Ministry of Finance. Online toolkit describing PPP process and providing sector-specific guidance and tools for practitioners on all stages of managing a PPP. RJ. 2008. Manual de Parcerias Público-Privadas - PPPs. Conselho Gestor do Programa Estadual de Parcerias Público-Privadas. Rio de Janeiro: Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A guide for civil servants of the State of Rio de Janeiro on developing and implementing PPPs. Defines PPPs and provides guidance on drafting a preliminary proposal, carrying out detailed technical studies, managing the tender, and managing the contract. ZA. 2004a. Public Private Partnership Manual. Pretoria: South African Government, National Treasury. Manual for implementing agencies setting out in detail the process and requirements for developing and implementing PPPs in accordance with national PPP regulation. Includes modules on PPP Inception, the PPP Feasibility Study, PPP Procurement, and Managing the PPP Agreement. Includes tools and templates in annexes for use at each stage. PPIDB. Accessed March 7, 2017. "Private Participation in Infrastructure Database." The World Bank. URL. A detailed Methodological Guidebook for PPPs that sets out the rationale for PPPs; the process for developing and implementing a PPP; and provides detailed guidance for each step. APMG. 2016. Accessed March 19, 2017. PPP Certification Program Guide. In eight chapters. APMG-International. URL. A comprehensive manual that describes in detail the basics of PPPs and the processes for developing and implementing them. Caribbean. 2017. Caribbean PPP Toolkit. Washington, DC: World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and Caribbean Development Bank. Discusses PPP policy and institutional structures, project identification and screening, business case development and project structuring, transaction implementation and tender processes, and post-implementation project monitoring. Also covers how to protect the public interest while attracting private investment. Draws on experiences with PPP projects in the Caribbean and globally, drawing out... Kerf, Michael, R. David Gray, Timothy Irwin, Celine Levesque, Robert R. Taylor, and Michael Klein. 1998. "Concessions for Infrastructure: A guide to their design and award." World Bank Technical Paper No. 399. Washington, DC: World Bank. Describes and provides examples on several of the important steps in developing and implementing PPPs—focusing on user-pays PPPs, or concessions. Includes sections on detailed design, the tender process, and the institutional (regulatory) structure for contract management. Farquharson, Edward, Clemencia Torres de Mästle, E. R. Yescombe, and Javier Encinas. 2011. How to Engage with the Private Sector in Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets. Washington, DC: World Bank. Describes and provides guidance on the whole PPP process, highlighting the experience of developing countries. Briefly covers project selection; the focus is on preparing and bringing the project to market and engaging with the private sector. WB. 2009a. "Toolkit for Public-Private Partnerships in Roads and Highways." World Bank. URL.Module 5: Implementation and Monitoring provides guidance and links to further material on project identification, feasibility studies and analysis, procurement, contract award, and contract management. PPIAF. 2006. Approaches to Private Sector Participation in Water Services: A Toolkit. Washington, DC: Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility. Provides guidance on the PPP process, from planning and upstream policy, to the detail of structuring a PPP and implementing a transaction. Focus is on user-pays PPPs in the water sector. WB. 2007a. Port Reform Toolkit. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: World Bank. Provides guidance on several aspects of PPPs in the port sector—including guidance on risk identification, financial analysis, contract structuring, and contract management approaches. Flanagan, Joe, and Paul Nicholls. 2007. Public Sector Business Cases using the Five Case Model: A toolkit. Westchester, Illinois: Healthcare Financial Management Association. Provides guidance on how to produce business cases. It is intended to help anyone involved with, or overseeing, a project to understand the work that is necessary to prove a case for investment. IN. Accessed March 15, 2017. "PPP Toolkit for Improving PPP Decision-Making Processes." Public-Private Partnerships in India. New Delhi: Government of India, Ministry of Finance. An online toolkit designed to improve decision-making for PPP practitioners across India. IN. 2013b. Guidelines for Formulation, Appraisal and Approval of Central Sector Public Private Partnership Projects. New Delhi: Government of India, Ministry of Finance. A compendium which brings together the guidelines notified by the central government of India for the formulation, appraisal and approval of central sector PPP projects. Also provides a template with a checklist for financial support to PPPs in infrastructure under the Viability Gap Funding Scheme. Visit the PPP Online Reference Guide section to find out more. Practical Guidance on Implementing PPP Projects - PPP Program Material
Practical Guidance on Implementing PPP Projects, Other Guidance Material and Toolkits
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Identifying PPP Projects
Appraising Potential PPP Projects
Structuring PPP Projects
Designing PPP Contracts
Managing PPP Transactions
Managing PPP Contracts
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Key References - PPP Cycle