Related Information:
Region: Global
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Sectors: Water and Sanitation
Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Preparation, Request for proposals, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Cycle ***
Document Details:
This Toolkit aims to help developing country governments that are interested in using private firms to help expand access to safe water and sanitation services at reasonable cost. Specially, it aims to help them and their advisers design arrangements that maximize the benefits for their countries, provinces, or municipalities. It is intended to complement other work being undertaken by the World bank and others on options for improving public provision of water services.
PPIAF. 2006. Approaches to Private Sector Participation in Water Services: A Toolkit. Washington, DC: Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility. [#2068]
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Updated: June 9, 2022