Title: PPP Toolkit for Improving PPP Decision-Making Process

Languages: English

Type: Website

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Preparation, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Cycle ***


Document Details:

Online resource published by the Government of India (Ministry of Finance) that has been designed to help improve decision-making for infrastructure PPPs in India and to improve the quality of the PPPs that are developed. The toolkit covers five infrastructure sectors (state highways, water and sanitation, ports, solid waste management, urban transport (bus rapid transport systems). It includes a case study of the Amritsar Inter-city Bus Terminal, Punjab, DBFOT basis.


Related Information:


Tracking Reference:


IN. Accessed March 15, 2017. “PPP Toolkit for Improving PPP Decision-Making Processes.” Public-Private Partnerships in India. New Delhi: Government of India, Ministry of Finance. [#4493]

Updated: June 2, 2022