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Guidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects

1. Introduction to Emission Reduction Credits

 The World Bank's Emission Reduction Program

 Emission Reduction Credits

Classification of Emissions Reduction Credit

 Policy Context of Emissions Reduction Credit

2. Objective of the Guidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects

 Objective of Project Preparation Guidelines

 Introduction to the Project Assessment Framework

 Process to Conducting Assessments

3. Determining Country Inputs

 S1: Green Economy Priorities

 S3: Article 6 Readiness and Eligibility

4. Conducting the Initial Profiling and Making a Preliminary Decision

 F1: Project ERC Value

 F2: Additional Value Enabled by Project

 C1, C2, and C3: Carbon Integrity and Environmental and Social Risk Management

 S2: Socioeconomic Value

5. Conducting the Project Assessment and Making the Final Decision

 F1: Project ERC value and F2: Additional Value Enabled by Project

 Q1: MRV Infrastructure

 Q2: Marketing, Sales, and Pricing

 Q3: Project Governance and Structure

 C1: Carbon Integrity

 C2: Environmental Risk Management

 C3: Social Risk Management and Benefits

 S2: Socioeconomic Value

6. Further Guidance for Application

 Market-Driven Factors

 Country Context-driven Factors

 Considerations for Future Scope

Abbreviations: Guidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects


• A: Project Profile Template 

• B: Project Assessment Template 

• C: PPP Models for ERP

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Introduction to the Project Assessment Framework

Photo Credit: Image by Freepik

On this page: Introduction to the framework for the identification and selection of high-quality ERC projects, most likely to attract high demand and best value pricing.  Read more below, or visit Strategic Guidance for Country System AssessmentsGuidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects, or Mobilizing ERC Finance

Framework for the identification and selection of high-quality ERC projects, most likely to attract high demand and best value pricing.1 

Figure 1.2.  Project Assessment Framework

The Project Assessment Framework consists of four overarching objectives that set 11 assessable criteria to evaluate the project’s attributes and mechanisms in alignment with global market best practices and national priorities. See Figure 1.2.

Financial Value: The first objective of the Framework seeks to identify potential high-value projects based on key value drivers for ERCs. This objective considers two components that reflect a project’s financial value:

  • Project ERC value: Project’s ERC revenues demonstrate high potential, and value net of costs gives positive net present values (NPV) considering varied scenarios across pricing, volume, and costs.
  • Additional value enabled by project: Project enables additional value beyond ERC revenue, in either non-ERC revenue generated that is enabled by the project activity, or from cost savings due to the resources saved by the project activity.

Carbon Integrity & Environmental and Social Risk Management: The second objective of the Framework ensures that core principles and risk management measures are in place for the project to generate ERCs above a minimal standard, and that any risk factors that could affect the quality of the ERCs can be addressed. This objective is guided by three fundamental carbon-quality criteria:

  • Carbon integrity: Project meets core carbon integrity principles for generating ERCs that are additional, measurable, permanent, independently verified, unique, and real.
  • Environmental risk management: Project identifies and has risk management measures for potential environmental impact to ensure no net harm.
  • Social risk management and benefits: Project design considers stakeholders and social impact and has legal rights to carry out project activities; Clear mechanisms for engagement and equitable benefits in a transparent and inclusive manner are planned for the project’s design and implementation.

Quality Execution: The third objective intends to provide assurance that the potential value of the project can be secured in implementation. This requires the project to generate ERCs that are perceived as high-quality in the VCM and to secure buyers at an optimum target price. This objective therefore first examines the set-up of the project’s MRV infrastructure and plans regardless of its project type and activities, and is distinct from the second objective, which looks at the project’s carbon integrity risks given the nature of its project activities and the emission reductions or removals it generates. Second, it looks at the potential of the project to secure its value and target demand given its go-to-market strategy. Finally, it considers the governance and track record of the project team to ensure the project’s continuity and provide confidence to buyers that the project’s impacts will be sustained, and that buying its ERCs will not result in reputational risks. To this end, the analysis examines three key quality execution criteria:

  • MRV infrastructure: Project’s mechanisms for enabling carbon integrity are robust and transparent for the project type.
  • Marketing, sales, and pricing: Strategy and partners engaged for bringing project to buyers are credible to market project’s value and quality.
  • Project governance and structure: Project team is well resourced and appropriately organized to deliver ERCs and ensure project’s success throughout its lifetime.

Strategic National Alignment: The final objective of the Framework aims to confirm the project’s alignment to the objectives and priorities of the country. The objective focuses on three criteria that define project attributes that demonstrate strategic national alignment:

  • Green economy priorities: Project type is likely high on the country’s priority list given its alignment with economic sector priorities.
  • Socioeconomic value: Project contributes more broadly to the economy, environment and/or local community based on its co-benefits.
  • Article 6 readiness and eligibility: Project type has a clear path to being authorized for Article 6-aligned transactions based on the country framework.

Footnote 1: This section provides an overview of the criteria used for the two levels of project assessment described in Section 1.4. Users of the guidelines that are familiar with the terms and concepts in the carbon markets may proceed directly to Section 1.4, which focuses on the project assessment process.


    This section is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals. The Guidelines have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in the Materials in this Site are those of the various authors of the Materials and are not necessarily those of The World Bank Group, its member institutions, or their respective Boards of Executive Directors or member countries. For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the PPPLRC at




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    Updated: June 4, 2024


    Guidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects

    1. Introduction to Emission Reduction Credits

     The World Bank's Emission Reduction Program

     Emission Reduction Credits

    Classification of Emissions Reduction Credit

     Policy Context of Emissions Reduction Credit

    2. Objective of the Guidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects

     Objective of Project Preparation Guidelines

     Introduction to the Project Assessment Framework

     Process to Conducting Assessments

    3. Determining Country Inputs

     S1: Green Economy Priorities

     S3: Article 6 Readiness and Eligibility

    4. Conducting the Initial Profiling and Making a Preliminary Decision

     F1: Project ERC Value

     F2: Additional Value Enabled by Project

     C1, C2, and C3: Carbon Integrity and Environmental and Social Risk Management

     S2: Socioeconomic Value

    5. Conducting the Project Assessment and Making the Final Decision

     F1: Project ERC value and F2: Additional Value Enabled by Project

     Q1: MRV Infrastructure

     Q2: Marketing, Sales, and Pricing

     Q3: Project Governance and Structure

     C1: Carbon Integrity

     C2: Environmental Risk Management

     C3: Social Risk Management and Benefits

     S2: Socioeconomic Value

    6. Further Guidance for Application

     Market-Driven Factors

     Country Context-driven Factors

     Considerations for Future Scope

    Abbreviations: Guidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects


    • A: Project Profile Template 

    • B: Project Assessment Template 

    • C: PPP Models for ERP

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