Railways - Further Reading and Resources

  • A Framework to Approach Shared Use of Mining-Related Infrastructure by Perrine Toledano, Sophie Thomashausen, Nicolas Maennling, and Alpa Shah, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, Columbia University, 2014. The publication presents an economically, legally and operationally rational framework to enable shared use of mining-related infrastructure, including rail, ports, power, water, and internet and telecommunications (ICT).
  • Rail Infrastructure Tariffs - Enabling Private Sector Development in Mongolia’s Railway Sector, Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2014. This study examines the system of tariffs for the use of railway infrastructure that is needed to enable liberalization of the freight market in Mongolia. It analyzes international experience in rail sector reform and rail infrastructure tariffs.
  • Ad Hoc Workshop PPP Schemes and Railway Finance, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), June 2013 - The publication is based on a workshop on PPP schemes and railway financing organized by UNECE, in cooperation with the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) in November 2012. It contains summaries of the workshop presentations reflecting the different perspectives of multilateral development banks, railway organizations, railways and consultants on different PPP schemes in the railway sector.
  • Fostering the Development of Greenfield Mining - Related Transport Infrastructure through Project Finance, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Public-Private Advisory Facility (PPIAF) April 2013 - The study aims to serve as a guide on developing Greenfield mining-related rail and port infrastructure through Public-Private Partnership schemes and on a project finance basis. The focus of the study is on Sub-Saharan Africa and countries with a similar structure. It covers key financing issues and considerations as well as recommendations for governments and private sector participants and addresses the contractual framework for third-party track use.
  • Rail Transport - Framework for Improving Rail Sector Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa by Vasile Nicolae Olievschi, Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) Working Paper No. 94, World Bank, March 2013 (English and French) - The study analyzes existing railway concessions in Sub-Saharan Africa. It identifies issues and possible improvements at the level of government policies and regulatory frameworks required to restore competitiveness of the rail networks through PPPs. Included is a list of the most urgent recommendations to be implemented in the first stage.
  • Road and Rail PPPs, Handshake, International Finance Corporation's (IFC's) quarterly journal on public-private partnerships (PPPs), Issue # 7, October 2012. This issues of Handshake deals with PPPs in the road and rail sector and explores how well-developed and efficient road and rail transport can contribute to economic growth and development. Authors and interviewees explain how PPP approaches have changed the direction of their countries' highway systems and the future of freight rail.
  • High-Speed Rail: Public, Private or Both? Assessing the Prospects, Promise and Pitfalls of Public-Private Partnerships by Tony Dutzik and Jordan Schneider, U.S. PIRG Education Fund, 2011. The study analyzes the experience with PPPs in the development of high-speed rail around the world. Based on these findings it develops principles that will enable public officials to determine whether a PPP is the right way to approach a particular project, and to structure PPP agreements that protect the public interest.
  • Railway Reform: A Toolkit for Improving Rail Sector Performance - Public-Private Advisory Facility (PPIAF), June 2011 (English, Spanish, French and Russian). This toolkit provides an experienced-based set of best practices and selected case studies to aid in the planning and execution of railway reforms. It is based on international experiences with railway reform under a range of railway organizational forms—state agencies, state-owned, or private enterprises.
  • Railway Reform in South East Asia and Turkey. On the Right Track? By Carolina Monsalve, World Bank Report No. 60223-ECA, March 2011 (available in English, Macedonian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Albanian) – Report on railway reform in countries in South East Europe with focus on institutional reform, operational and financial performance and international integration. The report recommends prioritizing railway reform to ensure compliance with European Union legislation for the railway sector and improve railway performance. Countries covered include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia.
  • Infraestructura Pública y Participación Privada: Conceptos y Experiencias en América y España (Public Infrastructure and Private Participation: Concepts and Experiences in America and Spain), Corporación Andina de Fomento, 2010 (Spanish) – This study examines experiences with the development of public infrastructure in Latin America and Spain. It promotes innovative cooperation schemes between State and private enterprise.
  • Off Track: Sub-Saharan African Railways by Richard Bullock, Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostics (AICD) Background Paper, November 2009 – The report reviews the results of rail privatization in Sub-Saharan Africa. It analyzes the impact of privatization on relevant factors for railway performance such as traffic growth, operational efficiency and investment.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa Review of Selected Railway Concessions by P. Pozzo di Borgo, World Bank Report, June 2006.
  • Results of Railway Privatization in Latin America (Resultados de la Privatización de Ferrocarriles en América Latina) by Richard Sharp, The World Bank Group Transport Papers – TP 6, September 2005 (English and Spanish) – The report reviews the performance of railway concessions in Latin America until 2004. It analyzes the impact of privatization on relevant factors for railway performance such as traffic growth, operational efficiency and investment. Countries covered include Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Colombia.
  • A Railway Concessioning Toolkit (Guide de mise en concession ferroviaire), Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP), Working Paper No. 74, World Bank, April 2003 (English and French). Includes sample concession agreement for railways in civil law jurisdiction (commentary on sample concession agreement).

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