Title: A Framework to Approach Shared-Use of Mining-Related Infrastructure

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2014

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Transportation

Keywords: PPPs by Sector *, PPPs for Transport **

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

By Perrine Toledano, Sophie Thomashausen, Nicolas Maennling, and Alpa Shah, Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, Columbia University, 2014. 

Document Details:

This publication presents an economically, legally and operationally rational framework to enable shared use of mining-related infrastructure, including rail, ports, power, water, and internet and telecommunications (ICT). The framework was obtained by distilling best practice principles from infrastructure developments around the world. It aims to support the governments of resource-rich countries that suffer from an infrastructure gap and have the opportunity to implement shared use on mining-related infrastructure. It can also help civil society understand the policy-making trade-offs of shared use and inform mining companies of their role to support sustainable development in the host countries. The publication and the associated detailed case studies from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Mozambique are published on the website of the Columbia Center of Sustainable International Investment.

Related Information:

PPPs in Ports 

Railways PPPs

Shared Used of Railway Tracks

Tracking Reference: Framework to Approach Shared Use of Mining-Related Infrastructure_EN.pdf

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