Executive Summary for IRI Guidelines

Increasingly, governments are looking for creative ways to pay for infrastructure, including through Land Value Capture (LVC) and Commercial Value Capture (CVC), as a means to go beyond the traditional “user pays’ or “government pays’ funding models. LVC has significant potential for providing alternative funding for infrastructure. The concepts surrounding, and implementation of, LVC is the subject of extensive analysis in the literature.1 CVC is far less extensively considered, and therefore will be the primary focus of the Guidelines. 

Introduction to Commercial Value Capture (CVC)

In this section you will find more about the context of and the need for Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI), challenges faced by governments in funding infrastructure gap, the role and potential of IRI and CVC  in closing the funding gap, the role of government in streamlining CVC, what are the potential CVC opportunities in infrastructure projects and core principles to consider when applying CVC in projects.

Overview and Structure of IRI Guidelines

The Guidelines are intended to be used by practitioners who are looking for innovative ways to address and reduce infrastructure funding gaps (and therefore fiscal contributions/liabilities), diversify revenue sources from user fees, and/or help build a better business case for infrastructure projects (commercial value capture or CVC). Such interested parties include:

1.     Planning agencies 

2.     Ministries of Economy and Finance 

3.     Central agencies responsible for managing Public Private Partnership (PPP) programs or PPP Units

Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI)

Commercial Value Capture (CVC):

CVC can be a way for governments to increase revenues to fund facility improvements, expand services and/or asset maintenance without increasing taxes or user fees. CVC revenues have, in many instances, proven to be successful in mobilizing additional funding for various infrastructure projects and help deliver better quality of public service. However, optimism bias and over-reliance on CVC revenues could also result in project delays or cancellation.