Welcome to ChatPPP!

This is a space designed to ignite discussion, evoke debate and is a collaborative and safe space to help us all deliver better and sustainable infrastructure and leverage the best solutions from around the world.

Multiple opportunities will be available for real time networking with chances to discuss, share, and debate new ideas in our Cafe PPP page. We also hope you take advantage of our planned webinars and events in the coming weeks. These are only some of the many opportunities to network and connect with your colleagues worldwide.

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If properly prepared and managed, new infrastructure investments can play a key role in fostering this vision. Still today there is little guidance on how to translate the global imperative into specific actions that could be delivered at a project level due to several challenges:

Executive Summary

Challenges and Pressing Issues

EPILOGUE - The Importance of Contract Management in Climate-Smart Projects

According to a recent publication by the Global Infrastructure Hub, PPP contract management is one of the most important aspects of PPP delivery. If done effectively, it will support the long-term success of the project in line with the agreed contract terms. But, if managed poorly, it can seriously undermine years of project preparation and procurement and can ultimately lead to major cost implications for taxpayers and service disruptions for end users1.


The objectives of Phase 3, which evolves during the contract structuring phase of the PPP cycle are: (1) to rigorously describe the climate risk profile of the project and prepare a clear risk allocation structure and management plan that specifies and nuances climate risk events (i.e., use of intensity levels/benchmarks and impact ceilings to restrict unreasonable claims), including hedging mechanisms and force majeure exceptions (2) to prescribe climate provisions on the financial structure that would enforce incorporation of climate mitigation and adaptation requirements in the project (