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The Guidelines on Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI) is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals. They have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions

To find more, visit the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure section and the Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.  For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center at





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Table of Contents
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Watch this space. The Guidelines on Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI) is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals.

Visit the Content Outline to find out more, or let us know what you think by taking a Quick Survey.



Annex for IRI Guide

The Guidelines are also supplemented with helpful resources.

Annex 1 provides five generic Worked Examples which help demonstrate how The Guidelines can be applied to real-world projects. All Worked Examples presented in this report are hypothetically recreated solely for the purpose of demonstrating the concept of CVC. 

Annex 2 includes 100+ Case Studies with examples of commercial value capture in various sectors, countries and CVC categories

Annex 3 provides recommendations in drafting tors for pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.


Introduction to Worked Examples on CVC
Annex 1 of the Annex for IRI Guide:The Worked Examples are provided to demonstrate to practitioners how the Guidelines… more
Case Studies: Municipal PPP Framework
Annex 2 of the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure Guidelines (IRI) includes more than 100 Case summaries… more
Recommendations in Drafting ToRs for Pre-… Annex 3 suggest clauses clearly specifying CVC assessment in the TOR.

The Guidelines on Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure (IRI) is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals. They have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions

To find more, visit the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure section and the Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.  For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center at