Case Studies - Disruption and PPPs

The objective of the Disruption and PPPs Section is to help governments of emerging economies to better understand the increasing impact of disruptive technologies on PPP infrastructure projects, and to provide guidance on how to manage existing and design future PPP contracts.

The five case studies below illustrates how different categories of technology disruption and disruptive events were dealt with in various PPP projects and what good practices might entail. These practical examples are drawn from different sectors and from both developed and developing countries globally.

Innovation Resilience

Enhancing “Innovation Resilience” and the Adoption of Disruptive Technology throughout the PPP Project Cycle

We are living in a world of transformative changes. Technological advances together with the transition to a carbon-free future revolutionize the way we live and interact with the world and could have immense implications for infrastructure PPPs.

Disruptive Technology, Infrastructure and PPPs

What Is Disruptive Technology?

Technological developments have always transformed lives and disrupted old ways of doing things. Older technologies, like the telephone, developed gradually, over decades. In contrast, new technologies, like the cell phone, scale with ever-increasing speed across the global economy. Often a few different new technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, IoT, 3D printing, robotics) come together to create something entirely new.

Executive Summary for Disruption and PPPs

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” —Winston Churchill

This report examines how disruptive technologies impact public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure; what this means for the management of existing PPP contracts; and how better partnerships can be created—ones that are more resilient to such changes, as well as flexible enough to encourage collaboration between the public and private sectors in order to allow implementation of innovative technologies.

Leveraging Knowledge Generators

A list of projects and project summaries which use Leveraging Knowledge Generators as innovative sources of funding. Leveraging Knowledge Generators, eg science parks or innovation hubs. Co-location with universities or other generators of knowledge/capacity can attract new energy, innovation and higher rents while also creating opportunities for local land-owners.