Title: Public Private Partnership Options Study and Awareness Raising For Irrigation Investment In Malawi

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Malawi

Sectors: Water and Sanitation

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Contractual Provisions, Sector, PPP Options, Risk, Financing and Risk Mitigation **, Implementation, Legal issues, Termination, Water, Irrigation



Options Study and Awareness Raising For Irrigation bytes

Document Summary:

The overall objective of the present assignment is to support the Government of Malawi in conceiving  viable PPP models for financially sustainable irrigation development and management in general and carry out specific options analysis for starting a PPP process for the proposed Shire Valley Irrigation Project, SVIP. This will build on the generic PPP framework that has recently been developed by the Privatization Commission and translated into specific sector arrangements; also with support from PPIAF. 

Document Details:

The specific objectives of the present assignment are to: Conduct awareness raising and capacity strengthening activities among key line Ministries, private investors and water users (small and medium-scale farmers) about different options and modalities for PPP in irrigation infrastructure development and management; Identify potentially promising and economically viable PPP options for the proposed Shire Valley Irrigation Project (SVIP) – to be discussed with main stakeholders and to inform about the development of a specific PPP transaction model for this scheme. This objective corresponds to a preliminary assessment (prefeasibility stage) to assess the feasibility of PPP approach for the SVIP within a given set of assumptions and using available data gathered on previous feasibility studies. 
The assignment itself was awarded, by the World Bank to the French consulting company BRL ingénierie, the Consultant, on 29th of July 2010. The inception mission commenced on Tuesday 7th of September 2010. It ended on 7th October 2010 with the submission of the Inception Report, which was approved third week of October 2010. The Consultant continued carrying out literature review and consultations and prepared communication materials for questions and  answers sessions for conducting awareness raising, capacity strengthening and further consultations with stakeholders, between mid October to first week of November 2010.
The Questions and Answers Sessions were organized and conducted between the 9th and the 19th of November 2010. The notes for these meetings are summarized in sections 2.1.1 and recommendations from session in 2.2 and details are in Annex 1. The PPP model options for the SVIP are presented in chapter three. 
A National Workshop was held on 25th of January 2011 in Lilongwé for presentation and discussion of the contents of the draft report. This final report was elaborated on basis of written comments received by the main 
stakeholders and of recommendations expressed during the National Workshop.
To learn more about this sector, visit Water and Sanitation Public-Private Partnerships.

Updated: October 25, 2021