Title: Decreto 309 de 2009 - by which the Integrated System of Public Transportation (Sistema integrado de Transporte Público, SITP by its acronym in Spanish) is adopted for Bogota

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document

Published: July 23, 2009

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Colombia

Sectors: Transportation

Topics: Procurement

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Parties, Sector, Private Sector, Procurement, Bus rapid transit, Local content


Document Details:

This decree sets a very important precedent for the incorporation of SMEs and previous operators new PPP projects. As an example, the Decree imposes democratization as a fundamental principle of the new transportation system roll-out. Specifically, it indicates that all the actions of the SITP implementation should aim to encourage the participation of the highest possible number of current owners of public transportation vehicles and drivers, such as through new operation contracts.

Related Information:


  • Small and Medium Enterprises and PPPs
  • Examples of policies that incorporate existing operators into new PPPs

Tracking Reference:

Decreto 309 de 2009 - by which the Integrated System of Public Transportation (Sistema integrado de Transporte Público, SITP by its acronym in Spanish) is adopted for Bogota _ES_2009

Updated: March 28, 2021