Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)
Country: Colombia
Topics: Procurement
Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Parties, Private Sector, Procurement, Local content, Local inclusion, Sub-contracts, Local contractors
Document Summary:
This document summarizes the recommendations of a working group that the Colombian Vice-President Germán Vargas Lleras created - composed of the Colombian Chamber of Infrastructure, National Agency of Infrastructure, Road National Institute, and the Vice-presidency of Colombia - in order to devise public policies that boost and promote construction and consultant SMEs in Colombia's infrastructure development.
Document Details:
The recommendations aim to strengthen SMEs' industrial activity by opening the doors to "bigger and better work opportunities, in a wide market that offers equal options to all suitable bidders that want to participate in public bids". The recommendations target changes in the legal framework of the public procurement regarding the TORs in the public bidding, and in the contractual provisions and enabling requirements of the bidders, by giving precise and exact suggestions. For example, the recommendations include improving engineering SMEs’ access to financing, and other creative payment structures.
Related Information:
Tracking Reference:
Las_Pymes_de_Ingeniería_ Papel_Sector_Transporte_2013_ES.pdf
Updated: March 31, 2021