Title: Ley 39/2003 de 17 de Noviembre, del Sector Ferroviario (Railway Sector Act 2003)

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Spain

Sectors: Transportation

Topics: Procurement

Keywords: Legal Framework, Legal issues, Concession, Permits, Transport, Transport Core



Ley 39/2003 de 17 de Noviembre del Sector Ferroviario (Railway Sector Act 2003)358.43 KB

Document Summary:



Ley 39/2003 de 17 de noviembre, del Sector Ferroviario – LSF- Railway Sector Act 2003 (Spanish) –The Act establishes the regulatory framework for the Spanish railway sector.


The principles of the Railway Sector Act 2003 are further specified by a number of regulations: Order FOM 897/2005 of April 7, 2005, Order FOM 898/2005 of April 8, 2005, Order FOM 233/2006 of January 31, 2006, and Order FOM 3852/2007 of December 20, 2007 (Spanish). For details on these regulations click here.


For more information on track access in general visit Railways: Track Access and Haulage. More information on  track access laws and regulations in the European Union is available at Track Access Laws - Europe. 


Tracking Reference: 

Spain_Ley 39-2003 de 17 de Noviembre del Sector Ferroviario (Railway Sector Act 2003)_ES.pdf

Document Details:

Ley 39/2003 de 17 de noviembre, del Sector Ferroviario – LSF- Railway Sector Act 2003 (Spanish)

The Act establishes the regulatory framework for the Spanish railway sector. 

The principles of the Railway Sector Act 2003 are further specified by a number of regulations: Order FOM 897/2005 of April 7, 2005, Order FOM 898/2005 of April 8, 2005, Order FOM 233/2006 of January 31, 2006, and Order FOM 3852/2007 of December 20, 2007 (Spanish). For details on these regulations click here.

For more information on track access in general visit Railways: Track Access and Haulage. More information on  track access laws and regulations in the European Union is available at Track Access Laws - Europe.


Tracking Reference: 

Spain_Ley 39-2003 de 17 de Noviembre del Sector Ferroviario (Railway Sector Act 2003)_ES.pdf

Updated: September 30, 2021