Title: Resource Book on PPP Case Studies

Languages: English

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Legal Framework *, Parties, Preparation, Procurement, Implementation, Termination, PPP Options, Legal issues, Public Sector, Tender process, Feasibility study


Document Details:

In 2003 the Commission through the Directorate General for Regional Policy published the  “Guidelines for Successful Public-Private-Partnerships”. This document was designed as a practical 

tool for PPP practitioners in the public sector faced with the opportunity of structuring a PPP and of  integrating or “blending” European Communities grant financing in PPPs. They did not attempt to provide a complete methodology or to define policy but rather to guide practitioners through a set of  key issues affecting the development of successful PPP schemes.
To this end, the Guidelines focussed on four key topics:
  • ensuring open market access and fair competition, in the respect of State Aid principles when applicable;
  • protecting the public interest and maximising value added to citizens;
  • defining the optimal level of grant financing both to realize a viable and sustainable project but also to avoid any opportunity for windfall profits (or losses) from grants;
  • assessing the most effective type of PPP for a given project with the appropriate parameters: balanced distribution of risks, appropriate duration, clarity of responsibilities within the various regulatory environments.
PPPs are an evolving tool and should, in all cases, be adapted to the individual nature of the project and the parties. As a result their successful implementation requires a very detailed understanding of a myriad of issues. 
The dissemination training programme which supported the launch of the Guidelines demonstrated the wide range of concerns and questions. We believe that many of these can be addressed through  study of actual projects. As a result we are now pleased to publish this Resource Book of selected  cases in Member States and other countries. The relatively small number of cases does not allow a fully fledged valid statistical analysis but the cases have been purposely selected to demonstrate some of the important issues presented in the Guidelines and should therefore be seen as a support tool particularly for the concrete questions facing  a public official in the structuring of a PPP.
Successes and failures have been presented as valuable lessons can be learnt from both. In particular the cases highlight the need for:
  • rigorous preparation and planning to ensure that the PPP approach delivers value for money and is sustainable;
  • sustained political and public sector support to the strategic decisions around the PPP;
  • a conducive legal, regulatory and financial framework supporting the development and implementation of PPPs;
  • a true understanding by the parties of the needs and objectives of each other.
The European Commission has a particular interest in PPPs within the framework of the grants that it provides, both within the context of Cohesion and Structural Funds as well as ISPA but also in other important areas. The use of grants in PPPs imposes  constraints on projects, given the over-riding requirement to protect the public interest. As the cases demonstrate, it is possible to successfully manage these constraints and integrate the needs of all parties.

Ref#: pppresourcebook.pdf

Updated: October 25, 2021