Title: RenovAr Round 1 - Request for Proposals with Annexes (fv 07-25-2016) (Spanish Version)

Languages: Spanish

Type: Document

Published: July 25, 2016

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Argentina

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: Climate-Smart

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Procurement, Sector, Financing and Risk Mitigation **, Energy and Power, Climate Smart, Revenue Sources / Funding, Request for proposals, Tender process, Renewable Energy, Biomass, Hydropower, Energy and Power PPPs **


Document Summary:

Argentina has been holding public auctions to buy RE under a program called “RenovAR”. The program applies for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and small hydroelectric plants and biogas. It includes a “green trust fund” to provide security and confidence to investors. Cammesa (Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico) has published the relevant laws, and bidding documents (including draft PPAs) on its website.

Document Details:

This is the Spanish version of the document,  our library also provides the English version.

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Updated: October 25, 2021