MES Barcelona: Driving the energy transition through public-private partnerships

MES Barcelona is a public-private partnership project that uses the tool of co-investment by public and private actors, with the specific objective of facilitating the energy transition and long-term sustainable energy savings by promoting self-consumption of electricity, in households as well as in companies and public facilities, through the use of photovoltaic collectors that harness solar energy.

Unlocking Blue Carbon Development: Investment Readiness Framework for Governments

The Blue Carbon Readiness Framework, is a step-by-step, well-illustrated guide with simple checklists, that can be used to determine readiness and to catalyze and scale up investment in blue carbon credit finance.

The Blue Carbon Readiness Framework consists of three pillars:

The Scientific Basis for Action on Blue Carbon Ecosystems (Pillar 1).

Building a Policy and Institutional Environment for Blue Carbon (Pillar 2).

Mobilizing Finance for Blue Carbon (Pillar 3). 

Image by Pixabay

Renewables 2021 - Global Status Report 2021

Despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, renewable energy set a record in new power capacity in 2020 and was the only source of electricity generation to register a net increase in total capacity. Investment in renewable power capacity rose, although slightly, for the third consecutive year, and corporations continued to break records for sourcing renewable electricity. More countries shifted towards renewables for the electrification of heat.

The Falling Cost of Renewable Energy

In 2010, a megawatt hour of electricity gleaned from solar photovoltaic cost a global average $378 to generate. That's without the effect of any subsidies which may have been applicable in some areas. By 2019, that cost had tumbled down to just $68 - cheaper than nuclear and coal and only a little behind the most economically efficient option looked at in this chart - onshore wind. Wind energy, both onshore and offshore, has also seen decreases in costs since 2010, while the more established methods of nuclear and coal have either increased in price or seen only a slight drop.

The Five Biggest New Energy Trends In 2022

2022 is set to be a record year in terms of the scale at which the switchover from fossil fuels to renewable sources will take place. It’s also a year in which we will see new and exotic sources of energy emerge from laboratory and pilot projects and start to become a part of everyday life. So let’s take a look at what is predicted to be some of the most impactful trends in the new energy sector over the next 12 months…

Model RFP & Concession Agreement for Waste to Compressed Bio Gas Project

The India Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to form a partnership to promote investment in the waste management sector in India. Through this partnership, IFC assisted MoHUA in preparing a model concession agreement (MCA) and a model request for proposal (RFP, together the Model Documents) for use by urban local bodies (ULBs) for development of waste to bio-methanation projects in India.

The objective of the Model Documents is to:

Model RFP & Concession Agreement for Waste to Electricity Project

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to form a partnership to promote investment in the waste management sector in India. Through this partnership, IFC assisted MoHUA in preparing a model concession agreement (MCA) and a model request for proposal (RFP, together the Model Documents) for use by urban local bodies (ULBs) for development of waste to electricity projects in India.

The objective of the Model Documents is to: