Title: Tender Document A and B

Language: Spanish

Type: Document, Website

Nature: Government Website

Published: January 1, 2011

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Uruguay

Sector: Energy and Power

Topic: Climate-Smart

Keywords: PPPs by Sector *, Energy and Power PPPs **, Uruguay, Wind power, Contractual Provisions, Renewable Energy

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

En esta página se publica información referente al proceso de incorporación de 150 MW de energía eólica, en el marco del Decreto 159/011

Document Details:

Related Information:

APP en Tecnología Limpia

Clean Energy PPPs

Wind Power Energy

Terms of Reference: Technical Due Diligence Wind Power Project

Agreements for Renewable Energy Projects: Power Purchase Agreements

Tracking Number: TenderDocumentAandB_2011_Spanish

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