The Municipal Public-Private Partnership Framework - Module 9: Sample Request for Proposal For Single-Stage Bid Process

This module provides a sample Request for Proposal for municipal PPP procurement purposes in a single-stage bid process. It is provided only as a sample document. It must be adapted to fit the unique circumstances and needs of each particular municipality and project for which its use is intended.

RenovAr Round 1 - Request for Proposals with Annexes (fv 07-25-2016) (Spanish Version)

Publication Year
Publication Year
Argentina has been holding public auctions to buy RE under a program called “RenovAR”. The program applies for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and small hydroelectric plants and biogas. It includes a “green trust fund” to provide security and confidence to investors. Cammesa (Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico) has published the relevant laws, and bidding documents (including draft PPAs) on its website.

RenovAr Round 1 - Request for Proposals with Annexes (fv 07-25-2016) (English Version)

Publication Year
Publication Year
Argentina has been holding public auctions to buy RE under a program called “RenovAR”. The program applies for wind energy, solar energy, biomass and small hydroelectric plants and biogas. It includes a “green trust fund” to provide security and confidence to investors. Cammesa (Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico) has published the relevant laws, and bidding documents (including draft PPAs) on its website.