Measuring the Emissions and Energy Footprint of the ICT Sector: Implications for Climate Action

Digitalization is increasing rapidly worldwide, requiring more energy, and resulting in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The report uses a key framework for categorizing energy use and emissions, the greenhouse gas protocol corporate standard. Second, the report addresses the policy and regulatory implications inferred from this data and the examination of these issues through several country case studies.

Growing Infrastructure, Clean Energy Program

Infrastructure Asia (InfraAsia), World Bank Group (WBG) and Singapore Management University (SMU) have joined hands to develop a bespoke course that builds leadership capabilities within the infrastructure sector across the region. Titled “Growing Infrastructure – Enabling & Structuring for Private Sector Participation in Finance and Innovation”, this course was co-designed by all three organisations and will be delivered by SMU in partnership with InfraAsia.1. Strategies and Policies for Clean Energy


Climate Resilience and PPPs

Many risks associated with climate change will be felt hardest by lower income countries, as their ability to prevent and respond to the impacts of climate change is limited. Against this background there is an urgent need for the development and finance of climate-smart infrastructure solutions. PPPs potentially provide a useful framework under which the public and private sectors can pool and coordinate their financial and technological resources more efficiently.

Pre-Development Agreement for a Wind Power Project

Example of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Wind Project on US Department of Energy's Website (2002) -  Example power purchase agreement developed by US Department of Energy for wind power plant. This document is drafted from a government standpoint and power producers might seek to negotiate some of the provisions. Purchaser is to purchase entire energy output of the Wind Turbines. Chargingis based on actual energy produced.

Terms of Reference: Technical Due Diligence Wind Power Project

I.          Project Background

1.1         The [Lender] (“LENDER”) is considering providing limited recourse long term financing for the development, construction and operation of a 65 MW wind farm (the “Project”).

1.2         The Project is been developed by [*] (the “Sponsor”) which has established a special purpose company (“Project Company”) for the sole purpose of owning and operating the Project. 

Solar Power Purchase Agreement and Request for Proposal

RFP for a project whereby the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority is seeking a maximum of 10 megawatts (MW) of electrical capacity, allocating approximately 5 MW to each of its two generation facilities serving the districts of St. Thomas-St. John and St. Croix. The selected respondents will be responsible for constructing, operating, and maintaining all facets of the project.