Title: Prefeasibility Study Municipal Energy-efficient Public Street Lighting Project in the City of Rio de Janeiro

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: August 1, 2014

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Brazil

Sectors: Transportation, Energy and Power

Topics: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Street lighting, Energy and Power PPPs **



Prefeasibility Study Municipal Energy-efficient Public Street Lighting Project in the City of Rio de Janeiro1.27 MB

Document Summary:

The objective of this study is to provide city officials in Rio de Janeiro with (a) a brief overview of the global trends in EE public street lighting; (b) a review of the relevant regulatory, institutional and legal frameworks that would have an impact on an investment in energy-efficient public street lighting; and (c) recommendations for financing structures that achieve scale by bundling/aggregation.

Document Details:

World Bank Group August 2014

Find more @ Energy and Power PPPs

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Image by Pixabay

Updated: October 5, 2021