Title: IRENA Resource: Chile

Languages: English

Type: Website

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Chile

Sectors: Energy and Power

Topics: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Renewable Energy


Document Summary:

RE support system in Chile—a solar PV leader in Latin America with 2.11 GW installed capacity in 2017—uses this approach with auctions and other incentive mechanisms, and mandates severe penalties for non-compliance by utilities.

Document Details:

To achieve RE targets many countries require utilities to get specific amounts or percentages of their electricity sales from RE. These quota systems exist in many different variations worldwide and are often supported by tradable RE certificates. The RE support system in Chile—a solar PV leader in Latin America with 2.11 GW installed capacity in 2017—uses this approach alongside with auctions and other incentive mechanisms, and mandates severe penalties for non-compliance by utilities.

Updated: October 25, 2021