Title: ESCOM: Power Purchase Agreement for Biomass and Windmill
Language: English
Type: Document
Nature: Contract Agreement
Region: South Asia (SA)
Country: India
Sector: Energy and Power
Topic: Climate-Smart
Keywords: PPPs by Sector *, Energy and Power PPPs **, India, Biomass, Contractual Provisions, Wind power, Renewable Energy
Document Summary:
<p>Draft Power Purchase Agreement between ESCOM and another party which plans to develop, design, engineer, procure, finance, construct, procure, finance, construct, own, operate and maintain a biomass-based Electric Power Generating station.</p>
Document Details:
Draft Power Purchase Agreements for Biomass and Wind power
Prepared by the Electricity Supply Company (ESCOM), for the state of Karnataka, India.
Find more @ Energy and Power PPPs and at Climate-Smart PPPs
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