Title: Carbon Capture & Storage Database

Language: English

Type: Document, Website

Nature: Institution

Published: October 25, 2019

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Energy and Power

Topic: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Climate Smart, Renewable Energy, Energy and Power PPPs **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The International Energy Agency (IEA) International CCS Law and Regulation Database (CCS Database) catalogues how global CCS legal instruments address key regulatory issues associated with CO2 storage. The aim is to support ongoing efforts by governments to implement CCS permitting frameworks – legal or regulatory provisions that enable CCS, aim to ensure safe and effective capture, transportation and storage of CO2, and manage interaction with other uses of the subsurface – by consolidating and making more accessible information on existing instruments.

Document Details:

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Updated: October 25, 2021