Further Reading on Energy and Power PPPs

Photo Credit: Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay
Understanding Power Project Procurement; Commercial Law Development Program (CLP) in partnership with the African Legal Support Facility - Fourth handbook in Power Africa's "Understanding" series. This handbook is intended to provide the reader with an overview of the mechanisms and strategy behind successful Power Project Procurements. It explores the complexity of procuring privately-owned power projects and describes the approaches that public procuring entities can use to establish and sustain power projects, including the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives. It also describes how these entities can implement these alternatives. Refers specifically to renewable energy projects and includes a chapter on feed-in tariffs. Understanding Natural Gas and LNG Options; Commercial Law Development Program (CLP) in partnership with the African Legal Support Facility, September 2017. Third handbook in Power Africa's “Understanding” series of handbooks that illustrate best practices for developing energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa. This handbook is intended to inform decision-making on options to develop natural gas. It does not promote any specific business model, but rather promotes better understanding of the stakeholders' shared aims in developing natural gas and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects. Understanding Power Project Financing; Commercial Law Development Program (CLP) in partnership with the African Legal Support Facility, February 2016 - Second handbook in Power Africa's "Understanding" series. This handbook is intended to provide decision-makers with an overview of the structuring of private investments and financing for power projects and insight into the important supporting role that governments play. Understanding Power Purchase Agreements (Comprendre les contrats d’achat d’électricité); Commercial Law Development Program (CLP) in partnership with the African Legal Support Facility, November 2014 - First handbook in Power Africa's "Understanding" series. The handbook is intended to provide an overview of PPAs and the obligations, risks and remedies that are found within them. Rethinking Power Sector Reform in the Developing World - This report offers a fresh frame of reference shaped by context, driven by outcomes, and informed by alternatives. It has three clear messages for policy makers and industry practi- tioners. First, reform approaches must be shaped by the political and economic contexts of individual countries. Second, reform approaches should be tailored to achieve desired policy outcomes. Finally, multiple insti- tutional pathways to achieve the desired outcomes must be possible. There is no one- size-fits-all framework, and the particular needs and challenges of low-income and fragile environments deserve special consideration. Technology to Improve Infrastructure Governance - A Perspective of Indian Power System - A Perspective of Indian Power System delivered by Mrs. Seema Gupta, Director(Operations) Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd., May 23, Seoul, Republic of Korea. PPP Risk Allocation Tool 2019 Edition - Energy, Communications and Industrial Parks - As part of its leading practices mandate, the GI Hub has developed an update to its PPP Risk Allocation Tool originally published in 2016. As was the case with the 2016 version, the new PPP Risk Allocation Tool 2019 Edition contains a set of annotated risk allocation matrices for PPP transactions addressing the risks and issues on a sector by sector basis. The PPP Risk Allocation Tool 2019 Edition contains matrices showing the allocation of risks as between the public and private partners in typical PPP transactions for 19 different types of projects, including both economic infrastructure (such as transport, energy, telecommunications and water projects) and social infrastructure (such as school and hospital projects). For each sector, there is also an identification of key risk areas and a discussion of risk allocation trends. Energy Sector Experience of Output-Based Aid - Sustainable development goals (SDGs) placed access to basic services at the center of international development in 2016-2030. Out of 17 goals, five address the access of poor people to basic services: to health in SDG3, to education in SDG4, and SDG5, to water and sanitation in SDG6, to energy in SDG7, and to urban services in SDG11. The mutually reinforcing relationship between electricity access, economic development, and poverty reduction is well established. The SDGs framed access to basic services as a matter of dignity. The SDG synthesis report promotes self-reliance of developing countries rather than just the North-to-South aid, as the challenge of poverty and exclusion extends beyond charity to the hungry and the most deprived. Directly or otherwise, access to electricity results in progress in all dimensions of human welfare and development including education, health care, access to water, essential communications and information as well as simple financial transactional services, income generation, and environmental sustainability. Also, a positive relationship can be seen between electricity access and the human development index (HDI).Reading and Resources:
Useful Links
- Developing Best Practices for Promoting Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure: Power
- IREC Model Interconnection Standards and Procedures for Small Generator Facilities
- Power PPPs - IFC Handshake # 13, IFC 2014
- Revisiting Public-Private Partnerships in the Power Sector
- Understanding Power Purchase Agreements 2014
- The Use of Islamic Debt in Energy Sector Projects
- Public Procurement and Disposal for Public Private Partnerships Regulations in Kenya, 2009
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Wiki-based library of energy project resources. Includes sample terms of references, procurement documents, economic analyses and case studies (success factors and lessons learned).