Coordinated Street Furniture Program Agreement - City of Chicago

Publication Year
Publication Year

One of the largest street furniture contracts; original term was 10 years (was extended for another 5 years in 2012). Contractor is responsible for the design, fabrication, installation, maintenance, operation, removal and dismantlement of various pieces of street furniture, including 2,175 bus shelters as well as bus supervisor shelters, newsstands, information kiosks and other street furniture structures at no cost for the City.

Public-Private Partnership Stories - Bhutan: Thimphu Parking

Publication Year

Development and management of an integrated parking system including two new multi-level car parks with at least 550 parking spaces as well as the upgrading and management of about 1,000 off-street and on-street surface parking in Thimpu City on the basis of a design, build, finance, operate and transfer concession (DBFOT).

Nigeria National Policy on Public-Private Partnerships

Publication Year

This national policy document sets out the steps that the Government will take to ensure that private investment is used, where appropriate, to address the infrastructure deficit and improve public services in a sustainable way. In line with the Government’s commitment to transparency and accountability, it will ensure that the transfer of responsibility to the private sector follows best international practice and is achieved through open competition.

London Overground Rail Concession

Publication Year
Publication Year

TfL committee paper considering whether to move forward with rail concession for London suburban over ground railway

It summarises main features the draft concession agreement which was put out for comment from prequalified bidders as well as lessons learnt from other projects taken into account in the project design.

Gender and Transport Resource Guide

Publication Year
Publication Year


Gender and Transport Resource Guide, Online Tool developed by the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Program (SSATP), 2006


This Resource Guide provides gender mainstreaming tools and information for individuals and groups working on policy, design, implementation monitoring and evaluation, capacity building and research in the transport sector and sectors affected by transport.