Quebec - Loi concernant les partneriats en matiere d'infrastructures de transport

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Publication Year


Quebec - Loi concernant les partneriats en matiere d'infrastructures de transport (Law Regarding Transport Infrastructure Partnerships), décembre 2000 - à jour au 1er juin 2015 (français et en anglais)


Renseignements connexes: 

Transport PPPs (anglais)

Transportes (français)

Les instruments juridiques internationaux de facilitation du transport et du commerce en Afrique

Publication Year
Publication Year


Les instruments juridiques internationaux de facilitation du transport et du commerce en Afrique, deuxième édition, Jean Grosdidier de Matons, Programme de politiques de transport en Afrique (SSATP), mars 2014 (français y en anglais)


Developing Best Practices for Promoting Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure - Airports and Air Traffic Control

Publication Year
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Asian Development Bank (ADB), December 2001 -  This is one volume of a five-volume set presenting the findings of an ADB regional technical assistance study which developed sector-specific best practices for promoting private sector participation in key infrastructure sectors in ADB's developing member countries. The best practices cover the role of government, institutional reform, strategic planning, legal and regulatory frameworks, unbundling and competition, contractual arrangements, sources of financing, and the allocation of risk.

Sample Bidding Document - Request for Bids (RFB)- Works- Roads (Output and Performance-Based Road Contracts- OPBRC)

Publication Year
Publication Year
Sample Bidding Document -  Request for Bids (RFB)- Works- Roads (Output and Performance-Based Road Contracts- OPBRC)  World Bank, October 2017 This Standard Procurement Document (SPD) for Output and Performance Based Road Contracts (OPBRC) has been prepared for the use in contracts financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA).  The SPD derives from the Master bidding document for Procurement of Works.

Toolkit for Intelligent Transport Systems for Urban Passenger Transport

Publication Year
Self-learning online tool providing guidance in the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of an ITS program. The online resource includes sections on fare collection and case studies as well as a downloadable Handbook and Companion Guide.