Title: Coordinated Street Furniture Program Agreement - City of Chicago

Languages: English

Type: Website

Published: June 1, 2002

Region: North America (NA)

Country: United States

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Sector, Transport


Document Details:

One of the largest street furniture contracts; original term was 10 years (was extended for another 5 years in 2012). Contractor is responsible for the design, fabrication, installation, maintenance, operation, removal and dismantlement of various pieces of street furniture, including 2,175 bus shelters as well as bus supervisor shelters, newsstands, information kiosks and other street furniture structures at no cost for the City. City allows the Contractor to place advertising on certain types and pieces of street furniture in accordance with an ordinance relating to street furniture of June 9, 1999 as a revenue generating means; Contractor pays fees to the City for the privilege of selling and maintaining advertisements pursuant to the coordinated Street Furniture program described in the Agreement. The Contractor’s obligation to pay fees is independent of its revenues and all other obligations under the contract. The contract contains a  Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Commitment. 

Updated: October 6, 2021