Policy of the South African National Roads Agency in Respect of Unsolicited Proposals

Publication Year

This policy guideline is a revision of the policy dated September 1997, issued by the predecessor of the Agency, namely the South African Roads Board.

It has been drafted in order to provide the private sector with a framework within which Unsolicited Proposals (“the Proposals”) should be prepared. It also explains how Proposals will be dealt with by the Agency, and lays down procedures which will be followed in order to stimulate a competitive environment, ensure transparency, and offer the public protection from the possibility of monopolistic practices and exploitation.

City Policy on Compensation of Minibus- Taxi and Other Operators (Policy Number 13776)

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Publication Year

The new MyCiTi Integrated Rapid Transit System will largely displace the current road-based minibus-taxi and scheduled bus operators. Incorporating them in the new system is important in order to maintain livelihoods, but is also required because in terms of current legislation existing operators cannot be forced to give up their operating licenses. A key issue here is the compensation of existing operators as the new system is introduced. This policy sets out the principles involved in determining the level of compensation of existing operators.

Proyecto EcoPark: 350 estacionamientos subterráneos en San Borja (PerPublic-private partnership for the Construction and Operation of 350 Underground Parking Lot in San Borja, Peru)

Publication Year
Publication Year

Short summary in English: Public-private partnership for the design, financing, construction, operation, maintenance and transfer of 14,320 square meters of space, including an underground parking lot and commercial space at ground level. The period of the contract is 32 years from the date of signing. The municipality will receive 8% of income from the parking operations and rental income from commercial space. The private party is free to set prices on both the parking and rental operations.

Periphery Renewal Contract - Circuito Interior Bicentenario (IIC project) Mexico DF, Mexico.

Publication Year
Short summary in English: Long term service provision contract for the urban improvement and integral maintenance of Circuito Interior Bicentenario, a periphery road for Mexico City. The payment is done in a monthly basis for each month in which the service is effectively provided (availability payment). Financial closing does not exempt the provider of fulfilling Phase 1 (Road Rehabilitation) obligations; however, an alternate source of payment (collateral/warranty) is needed for the execution of Phase 2. Term: from November 29, 2013 to December 31, 2025. Provider must maintain certain amount of equity in the SPV, and it cannot be decreased without authorization of the procuring entity. Provider is solely responsible of environmental regulation compliance. Limited maintenance payments cannot overpass certain economic thresholds. There is a commission specialized in the evaluation of the service. Limited contract cession rights. Corporate Control of the SPV is always under the authorization of the contracting entity. Important changes in the SPV’s shareholder structure are also limited to the procuring entity’s approval. There is a list breach of contract and early termination causes, and their consequences are also determined. Applicable law: Mexican Law. Settlement and Arbitration procedures are included in the contract. Short summary in Spanish: Contrato de prestación de servicios a largo plazo para el mejoramiento urbano y mantenimiento integral del Circuito Interior Bicentenario, vía periférica en Ciudad de México. El pago es hecho mensualmente por cada mes en el cual el servicio fue efectivamente prestado. El contrato no estipula el pago de anticipos, solo para la infraestructura como servicio una vez esté en operación. El cierre financiero  no exime al proveedor de completar las obligaciones de la Fase 1 (Rehabilitación Vial); sin embargo, una fuente alternativa de pago es necesaria para la ejecución de la Fase 2 del contrato. El término es del 29 de noviembre de 2013 al 31 de Diciembre de 2025. El proveedor debe mantener cierto capital en la compañía del proyecto, y no puede disminuirlo sin autorización de la entidad pública contratante. El proveedor es el único responsable del cumplimiento de la regulación ambiental. El pago de mantenimiento es limitado y no pueden sobrepasar ciertos máximos. El contrato incluye una comisión especializada en la evaluación del servicio. Los derechos de cesión del contrato son limitados. El control corporativo de la compañía del proyecto siempre está bajo la autorización de la entidad pública contratante. Cambios importantes en la composición accionaria también se encuentran limitados por la entidad pública contratante. El contrato incluye una lista de causales que constituyen incumplimiento del contrato o terminación anticipada del mismo, al igual que se determinan sus respectivas consecuencias. La ley aplicable es la mexicana. Procedimiento de Conciliación y arbitramento fueron incluidos en el contrato.

Siglo XXI Project (Road Infrastructure Improvement), San Pedro Sula – Honduras

Publication Year
Short summary in English: This project is a concession for the design, construction, financing, managing, maintenance and transfer of the road infrastructure public works of San Pedro Sula. The parties to the contract are Coalianza (PPP unit) and Consorcio SPS Siglo XXI (private partner.) The value of the contract is around $80 million dollars. Within the two months of the contract signing, both parties shall create a trust, in order to guarantee an efficient usage of the funds. The financial closing must be within the next 90 days after approval of the engineer evaluations. The contract establishes a mechanism for rebalancing the economical-financial equilibrium when it has been affected due to changes of law. Penalties and early termination clauses are included in the contract. There is a legal stability clause in which the contract is reaffirmed to have applied, during its term, the taxes and legal obligations applicable at the moment of its signing. Applicable law: Honduran. Conflict Resolution: Direct agreement and arbitration.    Short summary in Spanish: Este Proyecto es una concesión para el diseño, construcción, financiamiento, administración, mantenimiento y transferencia de las obras públicas de infraestructura vial de San Pedro Sula. Las partes del contrato son: Coalianza (unidad de APP) y el Consorcio SPS Siglo XXI (parte privada). EL valor del contrato es alrededor de $80 millones de dólares estadounidenses. Dentro de los 2 meses siguientes a la firma del contrato, ambas partes deben crear un fideicomiso con el fin de garantizar un uso eficiente de los fondos. El cierre financiero debe ser dentro de los 90 días siguientes a la aprobación de las evaluaciones de ingeniería. El contrato establece un mecanismo para el restablecimiento del equilibrio económico y financiero cuando haya sido afectado por cambios en la ley.  El contrato incluye multas y cláusulas de terminación anticipada. También hay una cláusula de estabilidad legal en la cual se indica que el contrato se le aplicará, durante la duración de su término, los impuestos y las obligaciones legales existentes al momento de su celebración. Le ley aplicable es la ley Hondureña, y el arreglo directo y arbitramento son los mecanismos para la resolución de controversias.

Public-Private Partnership for Navigability of the Magdalena River

Publication Year
Publication Year

The website offers a list of all project documents. The file name of the signed contract is “Contrato” described as “CONTRATO DE APP NO 001 DE 2014” and it can be found in the left column of the page.

All project documents, including the PPP contract, are in Spanish language only.

Main Features:

This is a public-private partnership to recover the navigability of Magdalena River under a Design, Build, Finance, Operation, Maintenance and Transfer contract (Clause 2).

Buses Terminal and Municipal Market of Danlí- El Paraíso, Honduras

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Publication Year


Municipality of Danlí (Department El Paraíso) through the Mayor;La Sociedad Fliefil S.A. y Asociados, S. de R.L. de C.V. (Private Partner); Coalianza, Hondura’s PPP unit, is party to the contract as Arranger of the project .

Main Features: 

Public-private partnership for the design, financing, construction and transfer of the updates to the Danlí- El Paraíso Bus Terminal and Municipal Market space, including 600 commercial market stalls and 20 bus terminals (Clause I.)