Cross-border ERC Trade

Cross-border ERC trade and clarification of the process for authorization of international transfer of ERCs

Fund: Liveligoods Carbon Fund 3

The Livelihoods Carbon Fund 3 (LCF3) launched in 2021 and combines equity capital from some international investors seeking ERC returns and others seeking financial returns to provide upfront financing for ERC activities.

ERC Activity Risk

Operational and reputational risks of ERC are relatively manageable mainly through good activity design and development. 

Key Enablers of ERC Finance

Through a series of working group meetings and additional consultations with experts in the field of ERC finance, the World Bank ERP Finance Working Group identified four key risks that influence ERC transactions (Figure 10) and the most effective or promising tools or approaches for mitigating those risks. ERC generation as an economic activity and the associated technologies and practices remain unfamiliar to most financiers, and the market is still small and shallow and is fundamentally policy driven.

ERC Market Status

After a period of rapid growth in ERC supply and market value, ERC markets faced multiple headwinds in 2022 and 2023

Current Landscape of ERC Financing

Emission Reduction Credit activity-level investment has steadily increased over the last ten years and needs to scale significantly to meet exponentially increasing ERC demand.