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Watch this space. This section is based on the Report "PPP Contracts in An Age of Disruption" and will be reviewed at regular intervals. Visit the Content Outline, or Download the Full Report to find out more.  Let us know what you think by taking a Quick Survey.


Case Studies - Disruption and PPPs

The objective of the Disruption and PPPs Section is to help governments of emerging economies to better understand the increasing impact of disruptive technologies on PPP infrastructure projects, and to provide guidance on how to manage existing and design future PPP contracts.

The five case studies below illustrates how different categories of technology disruption and disruptive events were dealt with in various PPP projects and what good practices might entail. These practical examples are drawn from different sectors and from both developed and developing countries globally.


Mongolia – Addressing Disruptive Technology… Case Study 1: Mongolia – Renegotiation of tariffs in PPAs caused by disruptive technology.
Australia – Considering Future Technology… Case Study 2: Australia – The PPP contract considers future technology improvement and provides an interesting… more
United States, Maryland – I-495 and I-270 PPP… Case Study 3: United States, Maryland – a two-stage procurement process together with an innovative dialogue process… more
Portugal – Renegotiation of PPP Highway Contracts… Case Study 4: Portugal – Renegotiation of PPP Highway Contracts where the government was able to achieve its goal to… more
Puerto Rico - Technological Upgrades and Contract… Case Study 5: Puerto Rico — Flexibility of the contractual terms was achieved through competent PPP contract management… more

The resources on this site is usually managed by third party websites. The World Bank does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided, or for any broken links or moved resources. Any changes in the underlying website or link may result in changes to the analysis and recommendations set forth in the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center. The inclusion of documents on this website should not be construed as either a commitment to provide financing or an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project. If you have any comments on any of the links provided in the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center, please get in touch here