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PPP Contracts in an Age of Disruption

Disruptive technologies present extraordinary opportunities for progress, with cleaner, more efficient, and more resilient infrastructure services. These opportunities should be seized and celebrated. However, changes from the status quo create pain points that must be carefully managed, in particular when long-term PPP contracts are structured based on a financial model on which financing relies. Unraveling such commitments has proven contentious and difficult.

The increasing number of global disruption raises many questions;

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) - short-form agreement developed for small scale power projects in Namibia

Standard short-form power purchase agreement developed for small scale power projects in Namibia. This is part of a suite of documents including a fuel supply agreement that can be found on the Namibian Electricity Control Board.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.

Ref: PPA short form agreement small scale projects Namibia