Capabilities Developed
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On this page: Read more on how to built the necessary capabilities in the ERC space. The successful implementation of policies relating to ERCs is highly dependent on well-resourced executing institutions with a clear legal mandate. Read more below, or visit Strategic Guidance for Country System Assessments, Guidance for Countries in Assessing ERC Projects, or Mobilizing ERC Finance.
I2: Capabilities developed. The successful implementation of policies relating to ERCs is highly dependent on well-resourced executing institutions with a clear legal mandate. In addition, the private ecosystem must be adequately equipped to match the potential supply of offset projects. Impact High–A well-structured and well-resourced institutional setup is a key enabler to ensure proper and effective operationalization of policy against its legal mandate Phase 1-2: Establishing the foundations of an ERC supply market Resources needed Low to High– Potential to implement pilots and lower-touch policies before transitioning to full policy roll-out As countries aim to develop and implement policies related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential for regulators to have the necessary capabilities to ensure the integrity of their respective carbon market(s). However, building these capabilities can be a complex process, and regulators may need to consider various options based on their level of involvement and existing capabilities. In this context, it is useful to examine examples or models from other markets that have successfully built their capabilities in the ERC space. Build in-house. Invest in capacity-building and training to build technical capabilities in-house (e.g., methodology, monitoring/evaluation, operations), potentially leveraging the capabilities set up in previous engagements such as for the Clean Development Mechanism within the Designated National Authority and securing the support of multi-lateral development banks and/or organizations for funding and technical assistance Long-term capacity within country with deeper and more targeted understanding of technical activities that are highly relevant to local context Significant investment in human and financial resources required for training and capability building AUSTRALIA Australia's Clean Energy Regulator (CER) works with the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC)—an independent statutory committee staffed by CER personnel—to consult on all new and varied ERF methods. The ERAC advises which methods to progress, or revoke based on compliance with the Offsets Integrity Standards. The CER has also created the Method Development and Purchasing branch, Compliance Branch, Policy, Markets, and Data branch, to enforce and implement mandates. Building these capabilities took Australia over 10 years to achieve.1 Government-to-government partnerships or coalitions, bilateral government partnerships, or regional country coalitions to finance and pool resourcing to build technical expertise. Shared pool of resource and technical expertise, increase political support and enhanced legitimacy for offsets, and improved coordination of systems within coalition/partnership Potential bureaucratic hurdles such as slower decision-making and conflicting priorities and interests to align the parties within the cooperative mechanism Ghana and Switzerland Ghana and Switzerland recently agreed on the first ever bilaterally authorized project aligned with Article 6.2 of Paris Agreement. Switzerland will provide training to rice farmers (covering ~80% of Ghana’s rice production) in climate-smart agriculture practices for sustainable rice cultivation to reduce methane emissions; 1Mn tCO2e emissions avoided expected through this project by 2030. Partnerships. Partner with local or international private entities to develop technical capabilities Access to technical expertise and accelerated implementation, as partner organizations may have experience and existing systems in place Less control over resources (e.g., technical experts, data) and less internal capacity to independently run carbon-offset program over the long term Malaysia The Malaysian Government has mandated its Bursa Carbon Exchange (BCX) to tie up with accreditation body Verra. All projects listed in the exchange will be required to be registered with Verra. Potential market participants have access to join webinars and workshops to learn best practices for high-quality credits. Engaging in regional mechanisms to synergize carbon market activities through cooperative networks or alliances, and build robust capabilities for the benefit of the entire region Harmonized standards and mechanisms can be established to share costs of infrastructure, improve market efficiency by establishing region-wide processes for verification and/or other permitting standards and allow for regional sharing of capabilities and best practices Potentially longer timelines to build given need for alignment and inclusiveness, as countries will have differing objectives and varying stages of maturity Africa. The Africa Carbon Markets Initiative (ACMI) was launched in 2022 to support the growth of carbon credit project development and create jobs in Africa, with an aim to produce 300 million carbon credits annually by 2030. By regionalizing efforts and identifying key challenges faced by the region, the ACMI was able to identify action programs and bring together multi-sector stakeholders needed to build a coordinated effort towards addressing these challenges. How it works: Pacific Islands. Several cooperative networks and initiatives have been formed to join efforts for climate action, which could be similarly adapted for regional carbon market development. The Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative (PICCC) is one that was set up in 2009 to support actors managing native species and island ecosystems in the Pacific Islands to adapt to climate change. How it works: Footnote 1: Australia's Clean Energy Regulator (CER)
Guideposts for best practice
Sequencing for roadmap
Model 1: Build capabilities
Benefits and risks
Model 2: Cooperative mechanisms
Benefits and risks
Model 3: Partnerships
Benefits and risks
Model 4: Engage in regional cooperation
Benefits and risks
This section is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals. The Guidelines have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in the Materials in this Site are those of the various authors of the Materials and are not necessarily those of The World Bank Group, its member institutions, or their respective Boards of Executive Directors or member countries. For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center at
Strategic Guidance for Country System Assessments
1. Introduction to Emission Reduction Credits
• The World Bank's Emission Reduction Program
• Classification of Emissions Reduction Credit
• Policy Context of Emissions Reduction Credit
2. Objective of the Strategic Guidance for Country System Assessments
• Objective of these Guidelines
• Introduction to the Country System Assessment Framework
• Process to conducting assessments
3. Framework Component Deep Dives
• I1: Appropriate Institutional Mandates
• I3: Transparency and Accountability Mechanisms in Place
• S1: Well-Defined Asset Rights
• S2: Streamlined Project Permitting
• S3: Globally Accepted Methodologies
• S4: Defined Benefit-Sharing Frameworks
• V2: Adequate VVB Capabilities
• D1: Defined Article 6 Transaction Frameworks
• D2: Develops Trading Infrastructure & Mechanisms
4. Scope for Further Refinements
• Appendix A: Approach for Cooperative Approaches
• Appendix B: Sample Country Assessment Pages
Related Content
Additional Resources
Country Profiles
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KeywordsPPP Units Around the World
Public-Private Partnerships Laws / Concession Laws