Covid-19 and PPPs

'The COVID-19 pandemic presents an unforeseen major shock to the global economy and has affected infrastructure projects, and in particular PPPs, at all stages and in all sectors with implications for governments, providers of infrastructure assets and services, their financiers, and users. The impact of the pandemic has underscored the importance of strengthening key provisions in PPP legal frameworks to ensure that resilience to global disasters, like pandemics, and other kinds of external shocks is stronger integrated in PPP projects and programs'. So says the PPP Legal Framework Practice Note: Post-Covid-19. Prepared by the Infrastructure Finance, PPPs and Guarantees Group of the World Bank, it aims to provide the basis for further discussion regarding the core content of such PPP legal frameworks build on best practice and takes into account lessons learned as well as the new market reality post COVID-19. The Practice Note is also part of the newly launched Covid-19 and PPPs section of the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center.

The section puts together essential resources and blogs to help practitioners in navigating how Covid-19 will affect PPPs and support stakeholders in understanding key risks.

  • Covid-19 and PPP Contracts addresses issues which may arise as PPP contracts come under stress due to the impact of Covid-19. It is a careful compilation of resources, both old and new.
  • As Covid-19 continues to evolve, it puts various PPP and infrastructure projects under an extreme and prolonged stress test. Covid-19 and PPP Blogs puts together an ever growing collection of blogs outlining the development of the pandemic, the various hazards projects face during these uncertain times and suggests possible ways to mitigate risk and cushion the blow.
  • Finally, Covid-19 and PPP Resources share a number of resources critical for the review of the potential impact of Covid-19 on PPPs including IFC sector notes analyzing the impact of the pandemic on different infrastructure sectors while proposing recommendations for an effective response to the global crisis.

To find out more about Covid-19 and PPPs, click here.

Keep checking back with us for new resources. We also welcome you to become part of this initiative by sharing your insights and relevant legal documentation that can support decision makers to increase the number of Covid-19 resources for PPP projects. Email us at with us at


Pandemics and PPP Contracts Find resources addressing issues which may arise as PPP contracts come under stress due to the impact of Covid-19.
Pandemics and PPP Blogs
As Covid-19 continues to evolve, it puts various PPP and infrastructure projects under an extreme and… more
Pandemics and PPP Resources
This section presents various resources and insights, including practice and sector notes, to help understand the… more
PPP Legal Framework Practice Note: Post-Covid-19
This Practice Note aims to provide the basis for further discussion regarding the core content of such PPP legal… more