Performance-Based Contracting Tools for Non-Revenue Water Reduction Tools & Resources

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Find on this page helpful Tools and Resources on Performance-Based Contracting Tools for Non-Revenue Water Reduction or find more at the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center Tools section


Performance-Based Contracting for Non-Revenue Water Operational Manual 

An overview of the process of developing a PBC from the screening phase through contract design. It also includes draft TORs for different potential contract types. 


Assessment Tools

Water Balance Calculation Tool

An Excel tool that helps the user to perform a water balance of the utility—a necessary starting point for NRW analysis and reduction. 


Non-Revenue Water Financial Model

Helps users assess whether a particular combination of NRW-related investment conducted as part of a performance-based contract will result in a financial "go ahead" or not.


Non-Revenue Water Practices Rating Tool

Benchmarks the process and practices of a water utility to understand the severity and causes of non-revenue water loses.


Terms of Reference Toolkit for Different Performance-Based Contracting Models

These TORs provide a foundation upon which more specific TORs can be built. It provides TORs for four different cutting-edge PBC models (Cost Plus, Self-Optimizing 24/7, Program Management, and DMA Rollout) and should be adapted to suit the local situation and specific scope of work required.


Component Analysis Model

This excel tool was designed to provide water utilities with a tool to undertake a leakage component analysis and to identify economic options for real loss reduction through improved speed and quality of leak repair, proactive leak detection, and pressure management. This tool was also designed to assist water utilities in evaluating options for implementing efficient and sustainable leakage control programs.


Trend Analysis Tool

The Trend Analysis Tool is a method to assemble utility context and performance data in a systematic and complete manner. This tool can help to: understand of the evolution of performance over recent years, benchmark current performance, and monitor progress over time.  The trend analysis tool complements other tools included with the Operations Manual.


Additional External Resources

IDB Case Study on Performance Based Contract Usage for NRW Reduction

Case study reviewing the context, preparation and implementation progress of the Bahamas Water and Sewerage Corporation’s (WSC) Performance-based Contract (PBC) for Non-Revenue Water (NRW) management

Farley Water Consulting: Water Loss Management Resources

An archive of reports and case studies on a wide variety of NRW management topics from internationally prominent sources.

International Water Association

A variety of case studies and tools by the International Water Association.

LeakSuite Knowledge Hub

Free information on effective water leakage and pressure management in public water distribution system.


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Updated: August 22, 2024