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This section provides the PPP sector specific checklists and the checklists of key legal/drafting issues in PPPs and sample clauses.
Find more related materials at PPP Checklist and Risk MatrixTracking Number:… more
No es esencial obtener respuestas positivas para todas las preguntas que siguen para asignar una revisión positiva al… more
La presente nota analiza el problema y proporciona en ejemplo de redacción para un período inicial de referencia al… more
The purpose of this checklist is to identify the key areas to be considered in reviewing and drafting an operation and… more
Esa cláusula es la que determina dónde y cómo se realizarán las audiencias de diferencias, y es importante garantizar… more
Find more related materials at PPP Checklist and Risk MatrixTracking Number: Change_of_Law_Checklist_Sample_Wording_EN
General: A benchmarking period enables the operator to establish, with the participation of the awarding authority… more
In order to avoid the uncertainties and delays involved in relying on the applicable law, parties to contracts often… more
This document has been prepared for the purposes of the PPP in Infrastructure Resource Center For Contracts, Laws and… more
It is not essential to obtain positive answers to all the questions below in order to be able to give a contract a… more