Decreto Supremo No. 013-93: Approving Consolidated text of Telecommunications Act

Approval of the Consolidated Text of the " Telecommunications Act " which consists of one (1 ) preliminary, four ( 4) titles , one hundred one (101 ) articles, three ( 3) additional, three ( 3) transitional provisions and a final provision , which It is part of this Supreme Decree.

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Ordinance 34 of 2002 on the Access to the Electronic Communications Networks and to the associated infrastructure, as well as their interconnection

This consolidated version has been drafted by the National Regulatory Authority for Communications by inserting in the text of the Government Ordinance no. 34/2002 on access to the electronic communications networks and to the associated infrastructure, as well as their interconnection, published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 88 of February 8th, 2002, the amendments and completions that have been operated through the Law no. 527/2002, published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no.602 of August 14th, 2002.

Case Study: São Paulo Telecentres Project

This case study is about the involvement of RITS (Rede de Informacão para o Terceiro Setor), a Brazilian civil society organization involved in ICT policy monitoring and advocacy – in setting up community access centers (telecenters) in São Paulo which inspired various policies to roll out telecenters in Brazil. (…) This partnership-based project mobilized policy, investment and technical support leading to the establishment of 128 community-based telecentres.

Case Study: Rural Broadband Backbone (In English, Spanish, and French)

This document discusses different approaches to establishing a broadband network in rural areas. It explains how ICT can aid in eliminating poverty and why ICT pro-poor policies are important for the short and long-term development of an economy. It covers various examples of ICT projects in India with direct investment from the government as a public operator, and on Africa where the ICT facility was executed by a public-private consortium.