Connectivity, Handshake Issue # 15

Handshake, International Finance Corporation's (IFC's) quarterly journal on public-private partnerships (PPPs), Issue # 15, October 2014. No government can afford to ignore technology, and the momentum behind Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is unrelenting. This issue of Handshake explores how public-private partnerships (PPPs) in ICT can help the public sector manage technology, become more responsive to citizens' needs, and reach out to the two-thirds of the world that is still unconnected.

BroadbandUSA: An introduction to effective public-private partnerships for broadband investments

Broadband is critical to the economic development and vitality of communities across the United States. Given its importance, many local leaders are exploring how to expand the availability and adoption of robust, high-quality and affordable broadband services in their communities. To reach these goals, many municipalities have utilized partnerships with the private sector. While no partnership structure is exactly like another, there are some common models and best practices that communities should research before embarking on a broadband partnership.

Developing successful Public-Private Partnerships to foster investment in universal broadband networks

The purpose of this report is to highlight the best practices used by public-private partnership (PPP) projects - whether they have been used to provide broadband access nationally, regionally, or in rural areas - to improve broadband access to unserved and underserved locations. The report is based on 13 PPP broadband projects that have been researched. It takes a broad definition of what PPP means and includes any project where there is a mix of private- and public-sector involvement.