Key Topics Across Infrastructure Sectors
Photo Credit: Image by Quang Nguyen vinh from Pixabay
Community engagement is part of the greater stakeholder engagement process of a PPP. If the community engagement process can build broad community support for the PPP it is more likely to be successfully developed. Women are often less represented in community engagement activities, in particular due to social, cultural and language barriers as well as lack of safe transport or childcare. A well-thought-out community engagement strategy that reaches out to women's representatives and facilitates the participation and effective engagement of local women can help public and private sector parties to understand the full range of issues that need to be addressed thereby avoiding risk and potential conflict and helping to ensure community buy-in to the PPP. Canada/United States Men and women have different needs, preferences and constraints with regard to services provided by PPPs. For instance, women have often limited financial means and tend to be more concerned about costs, in particular if the new or upgraded service through the private provider results in higher tariffs, fees, tolls or other charges; safety and security issues also need to be addressed in the design of projects to attract female users; different user patterns of men and women, (e.g. regarding the use of roads) may also require specific design features. In addition, women benefit often tremendously from access to basic infrastructure services, such as clean water, reliable electricity and digital services or safe transport as it reduces a lot of time they often spend on unpaid work and connects them to economic opportunities, education, and social services. Taking the views of women and men as consumers, beneficiaries and users of infrastructure into account when planning, designing and marketing services provided by PPPs can result in better project design, improve policy and pricing decisions and more targeted marketing and outreach. Learn more about how to integrate gender across the PPP project cycle to ensure to maximize the impact of infrastructure investment for women as customers, users and beneficiaries. Construction of large PPP infrastructure projects can expose women and girls to an increased risks of sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse as well as gender-based violence (GBV). A high influx of male workers into communities which may be rural, small or remote, often together with land redistribution (e.g., due to resettlement) can make local females who live or work near the construction site extremely vulnerable. Female construction workers face also an increased risk of sexual harassment and GBV in addition to the regular safe and health hazards on the site. In addition, women can become victims of sexual harassment and GBV at the workplace, as contractors and as users of infrastructure services provided by the PPP. Reducing GBV and other health and safety risks makes business sense for all project partners. It avoids negative publicity and reputational risk and avoids costs for businesses caused by absenteeism, lower productivity, and increased turnover. Investing in the prevention of GBV, such as mandatory use and implementation of a code of conduct for all (sub-)contracts as well training and awareness raising can reduce these costs and enhance efficiency. Private partners of PPP projects who sub-contract part of the works or services to contractors play a central role in preventing GBV and good practices to manage labor influx risks are emerging. Embedding clear GBV requirements in procurement processes, respective contracts and ensuring compliance with these requirements is a critical mechanism to address GBV risks (Good Practice Note, Addressing Gender Based Violence in Investment Project Financing involving Major Civil Works, World Bank Group, 28 September 2018). One key principle of the Labor Influx Guidance Note of the World Bank of December 2016 is to build social and environmental mitigation measures into the civil works contracts. For further recommendations see Working together to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse: recommendations for World Bank investment projects, World Bank Group 2017. A code of conduct where private companies make a clear statement that they do not tolerate GBV and that they want to ensure that employees are trained and held accountable for upholding these values can be an effective tool to prevent GBV. The submission of Codes of Conduct that will apply to the contractor's employees and subcontractors is mandatory under the new Procurement Framework of the World Bank Group. Sample Codes of Conduct: Women-owned businesses are typically under-represented in the supply chain of PPP projects. One reason for this lack of participation is that local women-owned businesses are often small and concentrated in just a few industry sectors. Limited access to financial and non financial services as well as land are key barriers for women-owned businesses. In many contexts, particularly where women have limited access to finance, women-owned businesses also struggle to meet procurement requirements for major companies. Women-owned businesses are, however, often well-placed to engage in PPP projects, increasing the success and social acceptability of these projects. Small to medium- sized enterprises (SMEs) are a key driver of economic growth, and women-owned enterprises account for approximately 30-37 percent (8–10 million) of all SMEs in emerging markets. What is a women-owned business? A woman-owned business should at a minimum include: Source: The Power of Procurement: How to Source from Women-Owned Businesses - Corporate Guide to Gender-Responsive Procurement, UN Women 2017. Laws and regulations that encourage the participation of women-owned businesses are preferential procurement provisions in relevant guidelines, policies or legislation. They can help to ensure that supply and associated contracts are awarded to women-owned businesses. Legal restrictions that limit the ability of women-owned businesses to participate in the supply chain of PPPs need to be taken into account when assessing PPP legal frameworks. Examples are laws where women need their husband’s permission to start a business or open a bank account, where they are not allowed to own a business, or gender-biased land allocation practices and inheritance laws as well as barriers in using non-land assets as collateral that result in limited access to finance. See also Gender-responsive Legal Framework Assessment. The participation of women-owned businesses on the project level can be facilitated through gender-sensitive procurement and contracts where opportunities to work with women-owned businesses have been assessed and identified. Examples are bidding requirements and PPP contract provisions that promote the participation of women-owned businesses as well as qualification and award criteria that require, for instance, the development and implementation of gender-inclusive supplier diversity codes of conducts or establish targets or quota for training and employment of women-owned businesses across the supply chain. Supplier diversity codes of conduct ensure that (sub-)contractors engage a larger variety of suppliers. Diversity in supply chains facilitates a wider variety of high-quality suppliers and makes business sense: Companies with supplier diversity programs spent 20% less than competitors on purchasing operations and have lower numbers of procurement staff. Examples: Learn more about actions across the project cycle that strengthen the role of women-owned businesses in PPP projects. Women, Business and the Law measures legal and regulatory barriers to women’s entrepreneurship and employment in 190 economies. It provides quantitative measures of laws and regulations that that facilitate or hinder gender-equality and women’s economic participation in seven areas: accessing institutions, using property, getting a job, providing incentives to work, going to court, building credit and protecting women from violence. Links to all relevant laws and regulations organized by country and indicators are provided on the Women, Business and the Law website. SMEs and Women-owned SMEs in Mongolia - Market Research Study, International Finance Corporation (IFC) 2014 - The report highlights the key trends, challenges, and opportunities for Mongolian SMEs in three areas: enabling environment, supply and demand prospects for financial and non-financial services, and demand for and access to finance, with a particular focus on women-owned businesses. The International Trade Centre's guide Empowering Women through Public Procurement, of 2014 provides an overview of the challenges faced by women-owned businesses to participate in public procurement markets and offers tools to address these challenges as well as means to stimulate increased entrepreneurial activity by women-owned businesses. Table 1 contains further legislation examples authorizing preferential procurement policies for women-owned enterprises. Gender, Trade and Public Procurement Policy – Kenya, India, Australia, Jamaica, Raymond Mark Kirton, Commonwealth Secretariat 2013 - This report investigates how an inclusive government procurement policy, coupled with the effective management of scarce resources, can accelerate sustainable economic outcomes. It discusses the extent to which public procurement policies are gender equitable and considers the importance to integrate gender considerations into public procurement and trade policy. The publication presents four case studies on public procurement policy and practices taken from Commonwealth countries, with a particular emphasis on emerging gender-specific dimensions. Women Entrepreneurs, Policies to Support Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in the MENA Region, OECD October 2012 (English and Arabic) - This publication provides an overview of approaches and measures in MENA-OECD Investment Programme economies to promote, support and advance women's entrepreneurship development in the Middle East and North Africa. It covers such issues as access to credit and business development services and information on data collection and research on women entrepreneurs in the MENA area. Women, Entrepreneurship and the Opportunity to Promote Development and Business, Carmen Niethammer, Policy Briefs, Brookings Institution 2013 - This brief provides an overview of the global landscape of women’s entrepreneurship and highlights some of the typical challenges women face in accessing credit, training, networks and information, as well as legal and policy constraints. It focuses in particular on potential solutions and enablers by drawing on practical experiences from the public and private sectors in both emerging and developed markets and concludes that innovative partnerships, particularly when private and public sector entities are involved, are beginning to make a dent, with the potential for large-scale impact. Strengthening Access to Finance for Women-Owned SMEs in Developing Countries, International Finance Corporation (IFC) October 2011 - A number of factors have been investigated as limitations to SMEs that are managed/operated by women, including institutional and regulatory issues, lack of access to finance, relatively low rates of business education or work experience, risk aversion, confinement of women’s businesses to slower growth sectors, and the burden of household management responsibilities. As access to finance is repeatedly identified as a major constraint to women entrepreneurs, this report sets out to analyze the issues involved in improving access to finance for women-owned businesses. Empowering Women: Legal Rights and Economic Opportunities in Africa, Mary Hallward-Driemeier and Tazeen Hasan, World Bank 2011 - This publication reviews the extent of gender inequality in legal rights to property and access to justice, and discusses the implications of that inequality for women’s economic empowerment in Africa. It also discusses the extent to which the law can play a catalytic role for economic development and women’s economic empowerment. Women in Infrastructure Works: Boosting Gender Equality and Rural Development Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), International Labour Organization (ILO), Gender and Rural Employment Policy Brief # 5, 2010 - This policy brief explains how rural infrastructure programs can enhance women’s participation and benefits – as workers during construction, as entrepreneurs and as beneficiaries of the assets created. Scaling Up: Why Women-Owned Businesses can Recharge the Global Economy, Ernst & Young, 2009 - The report makes a business case for supporting women entrepreneurs as means to driving economic growth. It highlights gender-specific obstacles when it comes to doing business including examples for discriminatory laws. Female Entrepreneurship Resource Point - The Female Entrepreneurship Resource Point responds to increasing demands for best practices and tools to integrate gender in private sector development and entrepreneurship promotion programs, and to address the needs and constraints faced by female entrepreneurs. It is designed to have two functions—provide practical guidance and recommendations, and serve as a clearinghouse of programs, emerging research and data on the topic. IFC: Gender Overview - This online resource offers a wealth of knowledge on topics related to gender inclusion in the private sector. The resources are categorized under different headings, in particular Employment, Entrepreneurship & Supply Chain and Leadership. See also Gender at IFC. UFGE – The Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality aims to maximize returns on investment by promoting gender-smart approaches in country-level policy dialogue, investment and lending, technical assistance, and advisory service. In connection, the new Private Sector Window of the UFGE which the IFC manages, aims to close gaps between men and women as employees, entrepreneurs, consumers, suppliers and leaders in the private sector. UN Women - UN Women is the United Nations Entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment and brings together resources and mandates for greater impact. Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Americas (WEAmericas) - WEAmericas leverages public-private partnerships to increase women’s economic participation and address three key barriers women confront when starting and growing SMEs: access to training and networks, access to markets, and access to finance. Through these collaborations, the United States and its partners will (1) provide training and mentoring to women entrepreneurs throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on business growth; (2) Support market access initiatives in countries throughout the region; and (3) Launch and expand initiatives to facilitate women-owned SMEs’ access to credit and other financial services. Women tend to be less represented in the workforce and leadership positions of PPP projects, including (sub-contractors) and providers of financial services. Investing in gender diversity in the workforce and management makes business sense as it leads to a wider talent pool, enhanced productivity and corporate performance and staff retention. The PPP legal framework can promote equal employment opportunities for jobs related to infrastructure projects through strong policies and laws relating to anti-harassment and discrimination, equal pay for equal work, procurement guidelines, policies and legislation or policies that promote the employment of both gender by recommending measures regarding the training and education of both gender and the removal of structural and discriminatory constraints. On the project level female employment can be encouraged through gender-sensitive procurement as well as provisions in PPP contracts that promote female employment, such as targets, quota, the provision of child care, or training depending on a thorough assessment of the elements that hinder women to participate in the workforce in a particular country. Learn more about actions across the project cycle that can promote female employment and leadership in PPP projects. Listed below are various publications and useful links that deal with legal issues related to supporting female participation in the workplace, in higher qualified positions and in the boardroom. International Labour Organization (ILO) - Gender, Equality and Diversity Branch (GED): The GED of the International Labour Organization is responsible for promoting equality and respect for diversity in the world of work. It provides policy advice, tools, guidance and technical assistance to constituents including with respect to promoting more inclusive workplaces, and ensuring that policies, programs and institutions are gender-responsive. IFC: Gender Overview - This online resource offers a wealth of knowledge on topics related to gender inclusion in the private sector. The resources are categorized under different headings, in particular Employment, Entrepreneurship & Supply Chain and Leadership. See also Gender at IFC. UFGE – The Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality aims to maximize returns on investment by promoting gender-smart approaches in country-level policy dialogue, investment and lending, technical assistance, and advisory service. In connection, the new Private Sector Window of the UFGE which the IFC manages, aims to close gaps between men and women as employees, entrepreneurs, consumers, suppliers and leaders in the private sector. UN Women - UN Women is the United Nations Entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focused exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment and brings together resources and mandates for greater impact.Strengthen Women's Role in Community Engagement
Legal Documents
Target Women as Consumers, Beneficiaries, and Users of Infrastructure Services
Improve Safety and Prevent Gender-Based Violence
Addressing GBV: PPP Procurement and Contracts
Codes of Conduct
Addressing GBV: Further Reading and Resources
Integrate Women-owned Businesses in the Supply Chain
PPP Legal Framework
Gender-sensitive Procurement and Contracts
Supplier Diversity Codes of Conduct
Strengthening the Role of Women-owned SMEs in the Supply Chain: Further Reading and Resources
Useful Links:
Promote Female Employment and Corporate Leadership
PPP legal framework
Gender-sensitive PPP procurement and contracts
Promote Female Employment and Corporate Leadership: Further Reading and Resources
Useful Links:
Related Content
Additional Resources
Examining public-private partnership projects through a gender lens
Type of ResourceGender Equality, Infrastructure and PPPs
Partner Resources
Women, Business and the Law 2024 is the tenth in a series of annual studies measuring the enabling environment for women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies. Women, Business and the Law 2024 introduces a new framework for measuring the implementation gap across three pillars: legal frameworks, measuring laws; supportive frameworks, measuring policy mechanisms to implement laws; expert opinions, shedding light on experts’ perception of women’s outcomes.