Related Information:
Gender-Responsive PPP Legal Framework
Impacts of PPPs on Gender Inclusion
Tracking Reference:
Region: Global
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Topics: Gender Impact
Keywords: SMEs
Document Details:
International Finance Corporation (IFC), October 2011
A number of factors have been investigated as limitations to SMEs that are managed/operated by women, including institutional and regulatory issues, lack of access to finance, relatively low rates of business education or work experience, risk aversion, confinement of women’s businesses to slower growth sectors, and the burden of household management responsibilities. As access to finance is repeatedly identified as a major constraint to women entrepreneurs, this report sets out to analyze the issues involved in improving access to finance for women-owned businesses.
Related Information:
Gender-Responsive PPP Legal Framework
Impacts of PPPs on Gender Inclusion
Tracking Reference:
Updated: March 30, 2021