Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)
Country: Peru
Sectors: Water and Sanitation
Topics: Gender Impact
Keywords: Water supply and sewerage system
Document Details:
This document is based on the experience of the Small Town Pilot Project in Peru (STPP) in promoting inclusive citizen participation, involving both men and women, in
decisions on the management of water and sanitation services in localities having between 2,000 and 30,000 inhabitants. The project was a joint initiative by the Vice Minister of Construction and Sanitation of Peru (VMCS), with the financial support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the technical assistance of the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) to foster a change of roles in the management of water and sanitation services, which have been traditionally linked to management by local governments, characterized by deficient administration and service. The new model proposes a public, private and social alliance.
The document summarizes what we have learned from the experience of change lived in these localities; in which both men and women were involved in all phases of the project. While evaluating this process, the objetive was also to identify the contribution of the inclusion of a gender component towards ensuring equal participation in decision-making, encouraging the demand for quality services, including various perspectives on citizen’s rights and duties in terms of the services and finally it’s contribution towards the building of a better citizen-state relationship.
Updated: March 28, 2021