Popular Resources

Incentives and Policies for Renewable Energy and…

The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) is a comprehensive source of information… more

Renewable Energy Portal

Find more related materials at Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Energy Purchase Agreemetnts (EPAs). 

PPIAF: Unsolicited Infrastructure Proposals - How…

This paper looks at specific type of PPI projects called “unsolicited proposals.” Unsolicited proposals are not… more

Liste de contrôle relative à la phase d'…

Dans les projets d'infrastructure qui impliquent des actifs ou des services publics existants, les données… more


The 世界银行以及其他组织制定了一系列与评估和建立政府与社会资本基础建设合作有关的工具包。这些工具包汇集了针对不同项目类型的清单、指南和资源。 本网站搜集整理了PPP工具包,感兴趣的相关方可轻松获取。