Title: PPIAF: Unsolicited Infrastructure Proposals - How Some Countries Introduce Competition and Transparency

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topics: Procurement, Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-corruption

Keywords: Parties, Private Sector, Unsolicited proposals, PPIAF ***



PPIAF: Unsolicited Infrastructure Proposal, Working Paper No. 1, 2007397.42 KB

Document Summary:

This paper looks at specific type of PPI projects called “unsolicited proposals.” Unsolicited proposals are not requested by a government and usually originate within the private sector. These proposals typically come from companies with ties to a particular industry—such as developers, suppliers, and financiers—that spend their own money to develop basic project specifications, then directly approach governments to get the required official approvals.

Document Details:

John T. Hodges Georgina Dellacha, Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), Working Paper No. 1, 2007, provides a discussion on how different countries manage unsolicited proposals.

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Updated: March 14, 2022