Popular Resources

Brazil: Proposed Public-Private Partnership Bill…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Establishes general rules and requirements for public-private partnership… more


各领域规章在PPP项目中起到了关键作用,且如果不参考已有的管理体系,则将无法实现各领域规章治理。本部分研究了设计管理框架时需要考虑的主要问题,然后提供了关于领域规范的材料的链接。本部分的目的并非是成为规范的最终参考,而是对管理设计的介绍。… more

Tanzania: Standardized Small Power Purchase…

Standardized Small Power Purchase Agreements

Ministry of Communication and Information…

The main website of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (“MoCIT”) in Nepal. 

Intermédiation sociale pour les Ouvrages simples…

Dans le cadre de sa politique de décentralisation, l’Etat béninois a engagé le processus de transfert des compétences… more

World Bank Group Guarantees Matrix

The World Bank Group guarantees matrix gives an overview of the different guarantees and risk insurance products… more

The Municipal Public-Private Partnership…

This module provides more detailed, practical guidance on how municipalities, their PPP project managers, and their… more

Public-Private Partnerships in Angola (summary of…

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Client Briefing prepared by Clifford Chance in April 2011.&nbsp;<span… more

Gold Coast Light Rail Project (2011)

<p>GoldLinQ was awarded the contract for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of stage one of the… more

Gender and Transport Resource Guide

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Gender and Transport Resource Guide, Online Tool developed by the Sub-Saharan… more

Public-Private Partnership in Solid Waste…

<p>Solid waste management has traditionally been a distinctly municipal responsibility in Nepal. The in-effective… more